Bitcoin’s Fundamentals ARE STILL AMAZING, And Nothing Will Destroy It’s Future Worth” - Charlie Lee

Bitcoin’s Fundamentals ARE STILL AMAZING, And Nothing Will Destroy It’s Future Worth” - Charlie Lee



Welcome back to another Article here at the tech cash house today. Hope all of you are having a good one. In today's Article I want to discuss why bitcoin's price could return to $10,000 and actually sooner than later because $10,000 is attainable for bitcoin. It's really just a matter of when it will be attained and I think we'll see $10,000 in the very near future. I think we'll see you two hundred fifty thousand five hundred thousand dollars in the distant future, but for the time being, I do think the big one can retake 10 grand fairly easily. So how exactly do I know that it will? What exactly is guiding my thought process here? But before I get into the rest of this content, I just want to say if you liked this Article, drop a Upvote, Follow for more and share with your buddies if you think that they could use a crypto.

Pick me up and anyway folks, let's go ahead and get right into it. Well, let's go ahead and talk about fundamentals and infrastructure. When [inaudible] first started off several years ago, it was fairly unknown. In fact, it had relatively few users, people were even buying pizzas with it and no, not in an institutional sense. They were paying their buddies for pizza with bitcoin. Now, with that being said, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have majorly caught on and that catching on has led to a couple of problems with bitcoins fundamentals and with its infrastructure. For example, a lot of people bought in simply on hype back in December when Bitcoin's price was ballooning and that caused a lot of people to sell off or panic sell when the price of bitcoin began to drop. However, I think a lot of those hyper buyers have really flown the nest and they're no longer sticking around to buy cryptocurrencies.

So with that being said, how exactly are bitcoins fundamentals now? Do they still hold up? Are they any good? Are they worth betting on for Bitcoin's future? Well, in this Article, I'll be looking to the opinion of an expert light coin founder, Charlie Lee, and what exactly he has to say about bitcoins of fundamentals. So let's go ahead and break this down. The recent hack of leading crypto exchange bit thumb doesn't really change the fundamentals of Bit Coin Light Coin Founder Charlie Lee stated in an interview with CNBC on June 20th, according to lead the press drop is a typical reaction of the market to the news about the hack and it happens all the time because people get scared. According to Lee, the hack of a crypto exchange does not affect bitcoins fundamentals just in the same way as a bank robbery should not affect the price of gold, and he was quoted as saying on these fundamentals quote, if the exchange does not protect the coins well enough and gets hacked, it doesn't really change the fundamentals of the coin there.

Protecting, considering the recent hack leak claim that crypto exchanges right now are exploring and learning the ways to better protect customers funds as per lead. The process is improving, but there's still a lot of work to be done. Lee also stressed a quote, paradigm shift for personal finances with bitcoin and quote meaning that people have to get used to protecting their coins, quote much better than traditional finances and according to lead, despite the drop of Bitcoin's price by 60 to 70 percent over the past year, bitcoin is still going really well, claiming that it's network has become much stronger over the past few years. Lease says that the current price of bitcoin seems to be disjointed from the actual development of bitcoin and suggests that the price will rebound and come back fairly soon and I think that means it could crest $10,000 or even beyond and like he says, the infrastructure and network behind bitcoin, including lightening transaction developments and lower transaction fees are also helping to push bitcoin forward.

These technological developments are huge in terms of market development and they really make a big difference. So finally, Lee is quoted as saying, quote, I've been in this space for seven to eight years now and I've seen bear markets last three to four years. So this downturn could be a three to four year market or could recover tomorrow. Bitcoin make sudden changes all the time and I don't think that a longterm bearish outlook is honestly realistic. I think that Bitcoin, because of its usability and because of institutional interest and because people are no longer seeming to care as much about hacking because like we said, it isn't the fault of the coin that some coins are lost in hacking incidents. So I do think that we will see a bull reversal pretty darn soon and with that being said, that's my opinion and I'm still holding onto all of my coins and I really am hopeful for their future.

Of course I am pretty bullish myself, so that's my opinion. I want to hear all of your opinions now on why bitcoin's price could potentially reach 10 grand or so over the next month or why you think it couldn't let me know. Of course down in the comment section below, and as always, folks, I want to thank all of you for watching this Article. Drop me a Upvote, Follow for more and share with your friends if you think that they would enjoy it. I'll see all of you in the next one. Have a good one folks, and Adios.

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