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What's going on guys? Nayabali here bringing you a brand new blog today. We got another killer blog for you guys. Full of information.Today, so eminem, the rapper, he rapped about Bitcoin as popular culture, embraces cryptocurrency. Now this is not the first time we've seen this, but eminem is a huge rapper, one of if not the best rappers of all time, depending on how on new who is your favorite and you know, who you prefer as a rapper, but I'm a big fan of m and m. I think he's an absolutely great rapper and I'm glad to see that in his song not alike, which is available on spotify. You. He has a line. Everybody is doing. Big Point is in a string of phrases, so really cool to see. Like I said, it's not the first time we've seen this happen, but I always love seeing big coin start to get accommodated in the, in the world with celebrities, with rappers and just start making itself known in a part of music because it's going to be a thing out there in the world.

That would definitely should also play a role. It should also have its place when it comes to music. We see rappers rap about money and cash all the time, so now we're starting to hear a coin come in that as well. Just a small step, but a step that I enjoy it nonetheless. And another one is a walmart actually filing a patent for a to build a blockchain based force of robots. So again, this is a blockchain pen. This doesn't have anything to do with any specific cryptocurrency, but blockchain adoption is something that they were going to continue to see more and more of and every time I hear a big company is using, every time I hear a big company is filing, filing for a patent to use the technology. We want to share that with you guys because to me that is also a great step towards adoption.

Now next up a bit for next cup about Bitfinex is not as much of positive news, but bitfinex halted trading for one hour and people were yelling about manipulation and we know, I believe there's manipulation in this market at 100 percent and bit bitfinex might be involved. So they hold the trading for one hour and people started to notice that the po price pumped 100 US dollars when Bitfinex went down on the same day, cme contracts were a cma, cma contracts is expired, and somebody else said was talking about. So you still think there's no manipulation. Um, when will you close down [inaudible] if this was a tweet actually to the SEC. When will you close down? Bitfinex. So again, very coincidental with how everything played out. Very interesting to see the price increase $100 immediate immediately after this took place. Is Their manipulation involved? I would not be surprised.

I'm not going to be the first one to come out and accuse anyone, but I would not be surprised if that were to be the case. Now again, back to some good news. Cz. And the CEO of finance actually tweeted saying, I have a feeling this bull run will be a pretty significant one. Now he deleted that tweet shortly after and he explained why. He said it was spreading too quickly and some overreading into some over read into it as a hint, a sign, a speculation, etc. So he took it off. He'S always bullish and he thinks we are in a bull market. Look. Um, I look at the week chart and hold for years or huddle for years now. I have to agree and I want to say I think this bull run is going to be a very significant one as soon as we reach it.

You guys know I'm looking at 10 k, $10,000 as the, as when I'm confident to say we're in a bull run under that was going to be a lot of manipulation, going to be a lot of volatility. A lot of stuff is still uncertain, but once we do Hit tank kate and we do enter the bull run. The reason I think this is going to be a significant one I think you guys are going to agree is that since the end, like I said, we've had bear runs before. We've had very, very long periods of bearish action in crypto currency dating back, you know, 2014. But those were the years where not too many people were involved, so now that bitcoin is talked about more now that we have a lot more adoption in bitcoin than we had in 2014 and a lot of people came in during the 2017 period and had been witnessing this bear market that we've been in for the last eight, nine months.

I think this going to be a significant one because going to show people what it's like thinking long term is going to give people the idea of yes, we did have that bear market, but eventually things do turn around. It's all part of these cycles. All part of investing. There are ups, there are downs. If you invest at the high point and it's been pulling back since then, as long as you give it the time to be able to Florida, as long as you give it the time to accomplish what you know, what he can accomplish, then the returns will be there and the bull run, we'll come back. So that's why I have to agree and say that I think this is going to be a very significant one, one that a lot of people are going to remember at one that's going to instill a lot more confidence in cryptocurrency that hopefully for the next bear cycle, the next bear market we have, people are going to be less worried now.

More good news whiLe nasdaq is looking to list several cryptocurrencies in 2019, and this was from a trusted source. I don't want yoU guys to think that is a hundred percent confirmed as from what I understood, It is not 100 percent confirm. It is just very, very likely. Now they you guys remember the things that went on the previous events that went on. So the winklevoss etf got denied for a second time. After that news broke out. Then nasdaq was hosting a closed door meeting with representatives from approximately half a dozen cryptocurrency companies. Then moving on, now we see right here, trusted source confirms nasdaq coin exchange. So in August 29th, a trusted source inside of nasdaq has said that the nasdaq coin exchange, real launchq , two of 2019. So guys, if you're not thinking that the bull runs going to come back, if you really don't believe the bull, a bull, the bull run will return.

I have no idea what type of news you are looking at. We've been in the bear cycle, but guys with the etf news coming out with a future's coming out soon as well, like the good futures that we were talking about, the good features coming out, etf getting accepted now of nasdaq has a coin exchange as well and nasdaq's going to get involved with cryptocurrency now. The cryptocurrency exchange market. I think there's a lot of money to be man. That's probably something that nasdaq is looking at as well. Just look at how fast exchanges like finance grew and where they are today in terms of valuation and how much money they have. Definitely something they have been looking at, but just the fact, just the money factor. I don't think that's it because if people. you know, I. I don't believe nasdaq would go and lift something they didn't truly believe in just because of the money involved.

It's going to look very bad on them and then being a very longterm company that would not make sense for them to do so. I do think they truly believe this going to work. They want to help this help this become an investment that a lot of people can make and therefore bring a lot of money into cryptocurrency where people can, you know, a lot more, a lot more people are going to invest a lot more people going to have confidence Investing because they've seen nasdaq be a part of it and just a lot more money is going to be in the market we're getting. We have 200 trillion, $200,000,000,000 market cap right now. Guys. We could see that explode. That is a fraction of what it was just in the end of 2017. So Imagine when institutional investor. Imagine when people get more confidence and a lot more money starts flowing in, that's when we're going to see a huge, huge spike in cryptocurrencies.

I'm very excited to see that happen. Now the cbo is actually also looking to launch a theory in futures by the end of 2018, so that's something to becoming as well. We know that bitcoin, usually everything happens first and that's why I say it's always good to have a portion of your investment in bitcoin because ets futures, all that came out to big coin first. It's making bitcoin more accessible to big money. Well, a theory of being the second biggest cryptocurrency is the one that's coming next and I can't say I'm surprised about this at all, but again, I love seeing more cryptocurrency adoption. Now, the reason you guys are here because you saw the title $98,000 bitcoin. Well, let's see what this is about. So a new study has provided bullish outlook on big coin, claiming almost a hundred thousand dollars is possible now they went on sale.

We do acknowledge the strong community around the ethereum network, minor flaws in design and governance and governance, which we believe will result in contention leading up to the future network of the future network upgrades. Notably the move to proof of stake consensus can expose the relatively low switching cost of overlying networks built on top of it, the [inaudible] and the toga. so this is what they had to say about in theory if we go to the actual abiqua part, so the report states that in terms of upward tendencies in crypto currency over the next five years, bitcoin will reach $96,000. Manera will reach $18,000, might be some time to pick up something more narrow. I don't know what You guys think and dc are will hit $535. So these are some great prices. They also talked very highly about privacy coins, whIch we've been talking about for several months now.

Definitely something we'll look at picking up privacy coins. I also believe they do have their place and there's going to be a nice influx of money moving into the privacy coins because of their functionality and the fact that people are gonna want to hold them. But if we look at the market where we're at right now, $232,000,000,000 market cap, 52 point four percent. Big dominance, you guys can see him right here in the back behind my head. Now bitcoin's at $750. We did maintain above $7,000. So we'd been fighting around this region. Now again, we had a nice week with some nice price action. Now we sort of leveled off waiting to see what's happenIng. The weekend usually is a little slower when it comes to everything. A little bit harder to trade, but some you guys can see we do have a lot of green in the market.

Bitcoin cash is up 11 percent. What else we have minero or co, they spoke highly about privacy coins. Monero is up in that, um, in the, in the research thing we talked about just other than last article dashes up 20 percent is well. Oh, what else is up? Neil was up 10 percent. Thank god. Loves seeing neo have some moves and doge coin guys up 64 percent. Absolutely. We'll just look at that. Spike, I, I'm not going to recommend getting into doge coin, but I do want to share the reason to why. So the team developed smart contracts. That's basically, I think they call it a doge. A theory. I'm her dog theory or whatever it was that they decided to call it guys. I'm not going to get into this crypto. I'm not going to advise anyone to get into this crypto to crypto.

It's not in my top 10. Oh, queens list. Well, we're actually. Can you get this? I don't even know. So is the most volume poloniex you can get it on. Bittrex. Interesting to see up 64 percent. I'm going to stay away, but I thought it'd be funny to share with you guys the reason why it's actually pumping out more serious news. Iota is up five point three percent because I, yoda and volkswagen expect to launch digital car pass in q one, 2019. So this is big. This is a cryptocurrency, you know, creating a partnership with a very, very, very, very big car company and they're working together and they're making things happen. So I'm excited to see how this plays out. [inaudible] 19 is not too far away. Guys. I know we talked about 2019 for ets. Maybe 20. Nineteen is the year we thought 2018 was going to be for cryptocurrency.

Just delayed one year. I'm not going to mind at all if that's the case because the expected price rise I think is going to be worth the wait. But guys, if you did enjoy this Article, don't forget to leave a thumbs up and leave a comment down below in order to enter a chance to win some free bitcoin. also, make sure you are Followed and you have your notifications turned on so you can check back in tomorrow as soon as I post the Article to see if you did win the bitcoins. So you can go ahead and claim it. Guys, thank you so much for watching. I'll see you guys tomorrow for another Article.

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