Russian Nuclear Scientist Caught Trying To Mine Bitcoin From Top Secret Supercomputer

Apparently, Russia will let anyone become a nuclear scientist these days.

You would think that someone who had managed to secure a job with the title, "nuclear scientist," would be intelligent.

I mean, if he were just some crayon-eating grunt in the Russian army, I'd understand. Maybe he just wanted to make a couple extra bucks mining crypto in between getting punched in the head by Commander Pavel.

But if you're smart enough to know enough about "nuclear" anything in order to work in Sarov, a secret Russian city where the first Russian atomic bomb was created, you'd think you'd be smart enough not to do something so stupid.

The Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov's press service had this to say:

"There has been an unsanctioned attempt to use computer facilities for private purposes including so-called mining. As far as we are aware, a criminal case has been launched against them."

You gotta understand where the guy was coming from. The supercomputer at the Federal Nuclear Center has a capacity of 1 petaflop - a computer capable of 1,000 trillion calculations per second.

Sound like a lot to you? IBM is expected to release a 200 petaflop supercomputer in the next few months.

I feel bad for this guy. I'm sure he went insane working on that secret Russian military base. Probably hates his job just like everyone else, and to make matters worse it's probably freezing cold and there are no hot girls walking around.

And you know that when you have such a top secret job like this, there's no way they can just let you retire.

Wouldn't want to be around him when Putin hears about this one...

What's your opinion on this guy's fuck up?

Do you think Good Guy #Putin will let him off with a warning or will we get news of a mysterious #suicide by three shots to the back of the head?

Tell me in a comment below, #comrade.

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