Magic of Crystals #8 – Intuition Enhancing – Lapis Lazuli

This beautiful blue crystal flecked up with gold pyrites is one charmer also known as the “Stone of Heaven”

The ancient Greeks used to call this crystal by the name of Sapphire with Gold dust. Rather in the olden times when there was a mention of sapphire the real crystal to it was Lapis Lazuli......

This Crystal has been most famous with the Egyptians, they used it in every part of their life. The Egyptians had a very strong liking for this crystal and it was regarded as their Talisman. The powder of this crystal was used as an eye-shadow. The Egyptian Sun God Ra was believed to have Lapis Lazuli Hair.....

The folklore of this crystal is that when God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses they were written on tablets of this Crystal Lapis Lazuli.

This Crystal comes from a very olden times hence there are lot of stories attached to it, as old as back to 4000 B.C.

Lapis Lazuli is very easily found in the Crystal market but it’s an expensive one, and the chances of getting cheated with this one are very less.


The crystal is very majorly found in the Middle East region, and other regions where it’s commonly found are Egypt, Russia, Chile, America.

This Crystal is a major aid to enhance your Intuition capabilities and also for sharper memory, concentration and focus.

When you look at Lapis Lazuli it kind of brings in lot of peace to you, the energy of this crystal is very calming. It’s a great aid in developing deep self-knowledge.

This Crystal is very good for people who are not able to express themselves. It helps in improving your communication helping it to make clear and concise.

The beauty of this crystal is that even if it is powdered the, it doesn’t lose its composition of the blue and gold mixture.
Lapis Lazuli is a crystal attached to your mental body hence you need to be vigilant when you are using it and how you are using it as it majorly amplifies your thoughts. Lapis helps you to stay connected with your core, when used regularly it helps one to become more conscious about their thoughts. It helps in bringing a balance and also helps dissolve illusions, bringing in clarity in your thoughts.

This is a Crystal for the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra, hence best to be worn as a pendant. It’s a Crystal of higher Chakras connecting you to the cosmic energies.
Lapis Lazuli aids in Communication, expression, Judgement (In writing and speaking), Decision making, Faith and will power.

This Crystal can give you some extraordinary experiences, when you start using this crystal regularly you can start keeping a journal and note down your experiences, you will see some amazing experiences come through. People who yearn for spiritual growth, get drawn to this Crystal very easily

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

Image Source: All the images are of my own

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