Are our Mobile Phones really a blessing?

A couple of days back, I was talking to my friend and we were discussing about a restaurant. The very next minute I see that I have the information about this restaurant on my Facebook home page, where I get all the details. I was quite amazed with this, and then a few such similar instances happened. Then one of the instance was that I and my friend were discussing about a place in person and not over the phone, after sometime I see information of that place completely coming up on FB again, now something ticked me. How does this thing get to know what’s going on in my mind and gives me exactly what I am looking for. This also made me think, am I being tracked, is someone keeping a watch on me all the time...

Image Source: Pixabay

Well I am really a technology challenged person and I use my devices to their minimal uses. I have very few basic apps on my phone. There are times when I still use the traditional sms service. For chats only whatsapp and Dischord is what I have, and other social media tools I use are FB, Linkedin and now steemit. My google map is always off unless when I need it just for specific use. So with all this my knowledge is also very limited. I searched about this on the net and I was quite shocked to read that how each and every information gets recorded on google. This really scared me off, I mean that I do not have any privacy, all that I do is out there open somewhere getting recorded.

Now the other habit I have is taking my phone in the bathroom for music while bathing, this also turned out to be one shock for me when I read that even the camera is functional even if you are not using it. I am not sure how much this is true, but this is something not very good and we need to be cautious about it.

All of this really makes me think that the progress is very good and required, but the new technology which leaves me exposed to my thought level is it really good for me.

We do not even realize about the use of our devices where we are sharing every single information on it, including the bank details, personal information and everything.

Is exposing up our self so much to the technology really good or are we becoming slaves to it?

Well Technology is a blessing in many ways provided it not getting manipulated. We definitely need to be sure about what we are sharing on our phone as I believe that nothing stays secret and private on the phone device.

I would also like to get some advice from the experts on how can the information be safe on the phone and how can I protect myself from these trackers and recorders.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

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