Minnow Tip Steemdunk Post Upvoting Save Time Increase Rewards

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I started using @steemdunk's autovoting service a couple of week's ago and I am sold. This is a great program that is helping me be more efficient at steemit and I think it will help you too. The idea is to remove the chore of daily post upvoting while still doing it automatically.

A tutorial and other informational posts about this voting program are on the @steemdunk feed. Basically:

  • Choose who to upvote
  • Choose the slider percentage to upvote
  • Choose the minute to upvote

Done! Now you only need to upvote comments as you work. You have already used up your post voting for the day.


You can save a couple of votes for daily use. It's up to you and how much voting you have scheduled.

Sign up here: https://steemdunk.xyz/

Benefits of steemdunk

  • Helps support friends with a consistent reward
  • Gives decent curation rewards
  • Gives a nice @steemdunk upvote to my post on occasion - no more than once a day.
  • Encourages those I upvote each time to remember me kindly
  • Allows a slider to use even with total sp under 500
  • Saves angst of choosing what posts to vote for each day - this alone is worth it to me.
  • Saves time; removes a task from my busy steemit day
  • Saves time; gives me a place to check if my friends have posted without visiting individual feeds
  • Easy to set up and use

Tips to use Steemdunk Post Upvoting

  • Set people up for a low amount first. I mean low! 10 or 20 percent at first. As you start, monitor your power and adjust as necessary.

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  • You can upvote 20 people on the free @steemdunk plan. This is a good amount and you will definitely need to adjust your slider down if you vote on that many – I do not.
  • For max curation rewards as a minnow – vote on less people at a higher percent.

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  • Keep your power above 75% - better 90%.

To learn more about curation

  • check the curation tag at steemit for “how to” posts, results posts, and opinion pieces
  • join the curation league of @abh12345 – lurk and talk in comments if you do not qualify to join.

Here is who I’m voting on with steemdunk today, and why I made these choices.

All is subject to change. All my votes are very low on the slider right now as I recover from my initial exuberance. I believe I will soon be able to increase everyone at least a few points once my power recovers.

My wonderful son I worry so much about. His most recent post spooked him from coming back. He does not like to “splat himself all over the internet” like his mom. I hope he will return and I am ready to vote if he does.

Fantastic budget advice and how to make money with side gigs. I like to squeeze usage out of my money, and here I have a kindred soul.

My friend in Bangkok who stays in luxury hotels for fun. I look and laugh. I’m sure he laughs just as hard at the hostels I stay in. Michel is a wonderful editor and sends me my weekly @jerrybanfield update, which I treasure and read every word. You never know what Jerry might have come up with and I might want to get in on it.

Alvin runs the dailyfoodphotography challenge I enter at least 5 times a week. This post is therapy for me and very difficult. Food is not my favorite thing to talk about since I was obese my whole life before now. But I know I should talk about food in order to help others, and Alvin’s wonderful contest keeps me on it.

My helper from the north pole, @maarnio's daily crypto contests teach me about the various coins. I have so far learned they are very diverse and that the crypto market is the wild, wild west. Go follow these contest too and you can learn this brave new crypto world, gain curation rewards, and possibly win in some of the contests. Each post has an explanation of the pricing trends and a video to help you understand what this coin even means. Highly recommended for crypto-noobs like me.

@maarnio's posts take 2 votes. The automatic post vote is done, but now you have to go to the post and upvote a comment if you want to be in the contest. Read the explanations, study the charts, and watch a short video. Now you will have some knowledge.

An esl teacher who has some kind of gigantic library of resources that will take 1000 years to publish in full. He is posting some of this extraordinary work now and helping anyone who needs help with writing blog posts – English speaking or just learning. Go take a look and then remember to refer this page when you run into people struggling to write their blog posts and comments.

Social media maven and homesteader, Marianne runs #freewrite with her bare hands. I’m praying someone soon delegates her some sp because she has a major with this excellent daily challenge. New people learn how to post at steemit with Marianne. She is a whirlwind gem and I love her the most.

I just signed up with them – not sure of it yet. I'm supposed to vote and then they might vote for me - to be determined...

I post to this tag and hope to be picked up one day in their resteems. If not, as a former university professor and teacher in many settings, I support this initiative to get tutorial content on steemit.

Colin pays for actions on his feed so I vote, comment, and sometimes resteem his cute, funny, or inspiring thoughts throughout the week. Now at least the voting part is taken care of. I have friends I talk to over there there and I drop my tutorial links when I can, since a lot of people are over there.

A friend indeed – just starting at steemit – quite the investigator! I learned about @steemdunk from this source and will remain loyal :)

My friend in cheap world travel is my friend in person too. Dan spent a few months here in Thailand and we are now family. Dan is a superstar content creator and we can all learn from studying his beautifully photographed travel posts. @world-travel-pro is always the biggest hit when I tweet his posts. Budget travel done right with lots of adventure thrown in.

Automating difficult chores is a great idea at steemit.

We have a lot to do here and voting can almost disappear from the To Do list with @steemdunk. I has really felt the stress dissolve over the last couple of weeks using it.

Upvoting was taking me a lot of time and mental energy, but now it’s painless. I have certain people I upvote and that’s that. I catch all their posts and support them, I visit daily or every few days, and interact where I upvoted and see how they are doing. So much better than the old days of watching the clock and searching for my friends.

Give steemdunk a try and you might like it too! Sign up here: https://steemdunk.xyz/

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