3 Artists Worthy of Your Follow! #3

Steemit is becoming more and more of a crazy jungle, full of spammy accounts and people looking to get rich quick, abusing the system. It's getting harder and harder to filter through all this to find good quality content.
So I've decided to come to the rescue ;) - I realise my account is small (for now), and thus also my reach, but hopefully bigger accounts will see this and resteem it =)
Every week (or almost), I'll search for good stuff, and on Sundays, I'll do a curation post like this. My favourite thing is visual art, so expect many of them. But I'll mix it up every now and then with writers/bloggers and musicians too. My intention is to find two relatively small accounts and one relatively bigger one.


"Surreal painter inspired by human learning processes and nature's mysteries."

Romanie has been making art since she was a child... And if you go look on her website, you'll see that she has always been amazing, and has only refined her raw talent over the years.

Her work is surreally magical... As I was going through her galleries, I felt like I was truly peering into the secrets of her mind (which is what art really is! Windows into the artist's inner world).

And indeed, this is what she says on her site: "Painting for me is a necessity to be able to maintain myself balanced between this world and my inner one. When I start a painting, I normally don´t know where it will take me. I start painting from the subconscious, letting shapes and colours find their space. No judgment. While I do this, I usually listen to music that helps my mind get further away from my inner chatter. It is like a kind of meditation. Thoughts come and go, I can see them coming and I try to not follow them and let them leave. Just observe."

I'm very happy to have found her.

Her style, just like the style's of @anibas and @m31, really inspires me to one day start doing acrylic/watercolour painting. The idea of simply letting your hand be manipulated by your sub-conscious, with music playing in the background, is extremely attractive to me... I'd love to see what hidden parts of my mind it would reveal...


"Your dreams are my reality."

Daniel, like me, is from South Africa! (Howzit, man! ;P) ... I was at first a bit nonplussed by his work... At first glance, it's pretty simplistic. But after going through his blog here, and his galleries on his website, I became more and more impressed.

He obviously has an enormous imagination and expresses it with sharp, contrasting colours and shapes.

He is very active here on Steemit, posting several times a day, and is also a big crypto enthusiast, with many pieces of art crypto-themed.

From his site: "Daniel is mostly inspired by the works of Walter Battiss and Bettie Cilliers Barnard (both South African artists) as well as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, and of course Salvador Dali. Symbolism plays a big part of his creations and depictions, as Daniel believes that a deeper meaning exists within all objects. Much like the work of Dali, Daniel’s art simply stretches beyond the boundary of paper and into the imagination of the viewers."

They say imitation is the best form of compliment and well, I think I may soon be trying my hand at creating art in a very similar style.. I hope you don't mind, Daniel ;)


What would you create if you had what you need?

Jey-Blue is very new to Steemit and what she does is very different and interesting.

In fact, I'm very curious... You'll see what I mean if you go through her blog... You'll probably be left thinking... "Oh, that's pretty cool! But... But wait, how did she do that??"

She takes plain old images off the net and brings them to life, making beautiful "3D images" in GIF format. She has a great way of combining these with thoughts that make you think, and sometimes funny memes. I can see a big future for this, especially if she one day combines this magic with her own original artwork.

Definitely unique, definitely worthy of following! ^^

Thank you for your upvote 💖
I appreciate it more than can be expressed in one line at the end of a post.

A few recent posts of mine:
"The Woman Who Moved" - Story Writing Collaboration | "Geolastrae 02 - Borg Scout" - Gallery: Designs | What Books Are You Into? - Writing Mentorship
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