The SFT Curates 7/22/2017

The SFT is thrilled to launch our curation efforts with three wonderful stories—one lite horror short, a sci-fi first chapter, and a cryptopunk first chapter. We hope you enjoy!


We chose these selections because they are tightly written, well-edited, and show creative innovation. They’re not the same stories we’ve read hundreds of times, changed “just enough” to avoid being carbon copies of something else. All three of these authors were open to extensive editorial suggestion and made their early drafts available to the Fiction Workshop at MSP. This is not a requirement for curation by Steemhouse Fiction Trail, but the Workshop may be a good resource for people interested in being picked by our team. Remember, we are only interested in curating polished, marketable work. A story may show promise, but if it is poorly edited, it will not qualify for our project.


Issues that may disqualify Steemit fiction for SFT curation are grammar, syntax, and punctuation errors, telling versus showing, head-hopping, clichés, unengaging openings, clunky/bloated prose, borrowed characters (fanfic,) or poor execution. Writers who are unfamiliar with these terms and concepts are encouraged to do some online research, as well as drop by the Fiction Workshop for more information. We will also only be curating standalone works (like short stories) and first chapters of longer works.

We don’t disqualify for high reputation scores, minnow/dolphin/whale status, or number of followers. The SFT is about rewarding authors of good fiction. Over time, we feel this will add value to the habit of studying one’s craft and discourage the publication of first drafts. Our goal is to motivate authors to produce better fiction. We will do this through SBD rewards and weighted upvotes as those means become available to us.


Ready for the big news? Today we introduce the SFT Library, an independent website devoted to the permanent collection of all Steemit posts curated by our project. It has twelve different “rooms,” sorted by genre. Some pieces may appear in more than one room. This website allows for easy access to all SFT curations, not just the ones featured in a single post. It also provides a user-friendly interface with the non-Steemit world, which will hopefully attract more people to the platform and expose our fiction authors to a broader audience.

Visit our library and browse the stacks at


CURATION: 7/22/17

Without further ado, we unveil The SFT’s first curated works.

Our selections this week are listed alphabetically by username: “Virtual Mortality” by @GMuxx, “Maneaters” by @Jhagi.Bhai, and “Chance Way” by @PegasusPhysics.

The “Lost Ones” will never make it home alive if Gabe can’t locate them and find some way to restore their memories. It won’t be easy—the threats of a virtual environment have become dangerously real. But his sister is one of the Lost, and time is no one’s ally.

Finding a man is top priority for Marcella and Edie. And they have big plans for him. All they need are Edie’s bigly rocket boobs and a few chains. . . .

How's a budding multi-species sociocracy supposed to thrive when mind-control threatens its autonomy?

This curation trail is a project made possible by @aggroed 's PALnet @minnowsupport channel, conceptualized by @andrewgenaille, @rhondak, @mk40, and @swelker101. Logo created by @pegasusphysics. If you would be interested in lending your support through delegation, please contact @mk40 or @swelker101 .

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