A competition I like, something different!
Looking for a nice contest to join, I bumped into this one from @inthenow about chem-trails
My first entry was one week ago, time for the next one!
I have entered the competition last week for the first time, if you would like to see that entry, please click on the link under this post.
Here I want to submit my second entry to the daily dose contest, which contains several pictures.
I want to start with the picture where you obviously see the crossing lines from the different trails they had been putting in the sky. Below I will post from clear sky, until this point...
It started with a clear blue sky like this
First plane spotted!
New trail very thin, with the older trails already starting to react in the sky.. fading and getting widespread
The next one, here you see the sky get "blurry"
And this last one I wanted to share, because you can see 3 stages of trails next to each other, on the left the oldest trail already blurry, next to it from the previous plane crossing by just a few minutes before the last one you see on the right.
Let's end with the first picture again, crossing lines filled the clear blue sky after this theater was over
My submission from last week
The daily dose - February 4th 2018 by @anouk.nox - Entry No1