Warning! We must use original photo in this event, if I find any entry was copied from the web, your entry will be disqualified!
【At the end of month, there will be a final election! Welcome for the sponsors to offer a big big pool! Thanks!】
Today's pick up as followings: 今天的挑選作品如下:
@harj - Kiksy is a cool cat that loves the out-doors !
Kiksy 是一只酷酷的貓,很喜歡戶外!
@animal-shelter - Kusilda is playing with his friends in the forest!
Kusilda 跟他的朋友們在森林中嬉戲!
@sirsensei - A Fluffy Lady sit down on the stair, looks curious!
@ninahaskin - Sasha will celebrate the 17th anniversary on February 2nd!
Sasha 在二月二號就會渡過她的17歳生日!
@ace108 - There are a full story in that post. If you have follow up Ms. Star, you can take a look! Funny!
@fanny35 - The little daughter Princess whose mother Star of the Sea was died at 4 months ago, R.I.P.!
@nelinoeva - Furry came to demand breakfast!
Furry 來尋找早餐!
@alyciakiss - One years old furbaby Mikmik was left in the car!
一歳的毛孩 Mikmik 獨留在車中!
@jeronimorubio - A Funny Cat Monster!
@kunani - A beautiful aquarium fish!
Thank you for all participants, if you have pet, pick up your camera to take a nice shoot now!
All small letters and without the @ sign Or give us a direct vote [here]