Mental Health (17) 心理健康(十七)—【Sport 運動】︳月旦評

Here is the public swimming pool in Hong Kong. Nowadays, we have at least one swimming pool at each district! Many people pay more attention on sports, e.g, running, swimming, basketball and football, etc., but the education of sport still is not enough. It is so sad that had people died after run a marathon every year!

How do Hong Kong people change a deeply ingrained mind such as do any success in short period ?Sport have no short cut, you must keep on training step by step. If the exercise is not appropriate, can cause accidents, discomfort, strain, boring and so on. Excessive forging or demand, or even cause pressure, counterproductive.

Hong Kong is a amazing place, we have 7 millions people living in a 1000 km2. We follow the trends, we learn things fast, we forget things fast too! Many people will post the marathon contest photo to fb, twitter, IG, etc., to prove they had take part in the sport, but they did'n have enough training. Most of people didn't know the meaning of marathon. What is the sportsmanship?

這是香港的公眾游泳池,我們每個地區至少會有一個游泳池!今時今日 很多人對運動比如跑步、游泳、籃球和足球等比較有興趣,可是大眾對運動的認識非常有限,每年跑完大型的馬拉松賽事後都有人死亡,真讓人傷心!

如何改變香港人一個根深蒂固的心態 - 做任何事情也要在最短時間內取得成功。任何運動均沒有捷徑,你必須一步一步地持續訓練, 如果鍛煉不合適,會造成意外、不適、勞累及受傷等等, 過度的鍛造或要求,甚至造成壓力適得其反。

香港是一個神奇的地方,我們有700萬人生活在1000平方公里內,我們追隨潮流,任何事情都能快速學習,更會快速忘記!近年很多人喜歡把馬拉松比賽的照片發松佈在fb,twitter,IG等,旨在證明他們參加了這項運動,盡管他們沒有足夠的訓練。 大多數的人不知道馬拉松的意義, 亦不懂得什麼是體育精神!


During exercise, the brain releases the neurotransmitter endorphin. This product has a sedative effect, can help the brain and body relax, so that mind and body into a relaxed state. During exercise, athletes need a high degree of concentration, in order to achieve better performance. Therefore, the brain will temporarily put aside all the disturbances, so that physical and mental relaxation. Many studies point out that exercise can improve the feeling of health, reduce depression and anxiety. Exercise can directly help to eliminate some of the symptoms caused by stress, such as heart rate and blood pressure, muscle tension and so on.

So sport is very important in our life, we need to plan a suitable sport scheme for your own way. As same as your finical planning, because sport cannot stop!
Later will talk more about personal training plan, thank you for reading this post!



Welcome to view the past post of metal health series!


Introduction of Mental Health-Part I︳ 心理健康介紹(一)(1)
Introduction of Mental Health-Part II︳心理健康介紹(二) (2)
Bipolar Disorder︳躁鬱症 (3)
Emotional Problems︳情緒之悲秋 (4)
Misconceptions of Mental Disorder︳戲假情真/戲真情假? (5)
Positive Psychology︳認真便輸了 (6)
Dissociative Identity Disorder︳人格分裂之角色 (7)
Investment in Mental︳精神層面的投資 (8)
Pressure Management︳壓力管理 (9)
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder-Part I︳強迫症(上) (10)
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder-Part II︳強迫症(下) (10.5)
Affective Education︳談談情說說愛 (11)
Eating Disorder︳進食失調 (12)
Shopaholic︳購物狂 (13)
Insomnia ︳失眠 (14)
Game Disorder ︳遊戲成癮 (15)
Separation Anxiety Disorder ︳分離焦慮症 (16)

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