Daily Pet Photography Event - Day37 !︳每天寵物攝影活動 - 第三十七天!

The east coast of Taiwan had 6.4-magnitude quake in the past few days! God bless Taiwan!

台灣東部過去幾天發生6.4級地震! 天佑台灣!

The result of monthly election of daily pet photo in Jan at the following link: https://steemit.com/dailypetphotography/@kona/the-result-of-monthly-selection-of-daily-pet-photography-jan


Congratulation to all winners! 祝賀各得獎者!

Warning! We must use original photo in this event, if I find any entry was copied from the web, your entry will be disqualified! 【At the end of month, there will be a final election! Welcome for the sponsors to offer a big big pool! Thanks!】


P.S.: The power was down in these few days, I need to change the encourage prize to 0.1 steem for each picked up!
I will turn it up a.s.a.p., so sorry, I hope you will keep to post the nice photos!
註: 這幾天的點贊力下降了很多,我要把鼓勵的?金下調至每位被選中照片為 0.1 steem!

Today's pick up as followings: 今天的挑選作品如下:
@rasse - Brandon is a three month old White Siberian Huskie!

Brandon 是一隻三個月大的白色雪橇!

@vivia - Ms. White has many interesting hobbies, go to look around at her post!


@diya28 - Nice photo! A pair of duck!


@irinatsvetkovva - Cezar like a little baby!

Cezar 像一個小BB!

@superxiaogui - So beautiful blue eyes!


@pundito - Marley is a Rhodesian Ridgeback - Stafford mix and calmed down quickly enjoying the view!

馬利是一隻羅得西亞脊背龍 - 斯塔福德混合隻品種,他能迅速冷靜下來欣賞風景!

@animal-shelter - A tiny gecko! Her name is My Little One!

一隻小壁虎! 她的名字是My Little One!

@karenb54 - Mika is protecting her snack!

Mika 在守衛她的小食!

@susucrystal - Pom Pom hope will see you again!

希望能再看見Pom Pom 吧!

@meixia - Hi, April long time no see!


Thank you for all participants, if you have pet, pick up your camera to take a nice shoot now!


The event details at Here! 活動詳情在!

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