A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#13.1-【HERO】~小城故事相片比賽#13.1-【 英雄】

Camera相機: Samsung S8
Location地點: Kenndy Town, 堅尼地城

Most of people will think Fireman is a hero in a city! I am totally agree with it! But they have not fair salary in Hong Kong that compare with policeman! Because of the history, the police will be more danger to against the people, especially in 50 - 60s. The government wanted to hire more policeman at that moment , so the starting point of a police is higher than a fireman! Nowadays, the society is peaceful, no more robbery, no more murder case, but still have many fire disaster!

大多數人會認為消防員是一個城市的英雄,我是完全同意的! 但與香港警察相比,他們在工資跟待遇很有分別。 由於歷史的原因,尤其是在五六十年代在,警方要應付人民的反抗, 那個時候的政府想用高薪去招聘警察,所以警察的起薪點比消防員要高! 如今社會和平、很少搶劫謀殺案等高危險性的罪案,但還是有不少火災!

[source: Hong Kong Fire Service Department]
In a fire station, there are 34 types of fire appliances, and 9 types ambulance. Moreover, 8 types other use cars! You will know the workload of a fireman is not easy as you think! I hate some people always say that they are well paid! Every job are well paid but not every job will make your life in danger!

消防局內有34種防災車輛,9種救護車,另外還有8種其他用途的特別車種!一個消防員的工作量是並不如你想像般輕鬆! 我討厭一些人總是說消防員是有收入的,是應該的! 每份工作都有收入,但並不是每份工作都會使你的生命處於危險之中!


There are many movie of firemen, the above one is my favorite one!



I highly re-comment you see this Japanese comic - The story of Firemen! In the comic, they tell you that the firemen who want to save the life or fire extinguished is not the real hero! The true hero is to prevent the disaster happened!

【It is easier to pull down than to build】

我極推薦你去看看這套日本漫畫 - 消防員的故事! 在漫畫中,他們告訴你只想著要拯救生命或滅火的消防員不是真正的英雄, 真正的英雄是會防止災難發生的!


Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

很多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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