Throwback Dance Performance - My Tango Routine from Seven Years Ago!

This is the first time that I have shared a video of my dancing here on steemit! This video was taken about seven years ago when I was a brand new dancer. I did ballet as a kid, but I had just barely started dipping my toe into the world of partner dancing.

Jessie, a friend that I met through the dance community was putting on a fundraiser show and asked if I would be willing to participate. She mentioned that Johnny (a much more advanced dancer) didn’t have a partner for the show. The conversation went something like this:

Me: But I’m a brand new dancer! I’m definitely not ready to perform a routine in front of a crowd yet.

Jessie: Oh you’ll be fine, Johnny is awesome and he’ll teach you whatever you need to know. I think I’d like you guys to do a tango.

Me: But I’ve never taken a single tango lesson in my life…

Me: When is the show?

Jessie: Three and a half weeks from now.

Me: (gulp)

I seriously considered saying no, but then had an “Oh, what the hell!” kind of moment. I’m so glad I jumped in and decided to do it. Intensely practicing and choreographing a routine over the course of a few weeks was an exhilarating experience.
We practiced at Johnny’s martial arts studio so that we could work on the lifts over a padded surface. Even though he never dropped me, it was re-assuring knowing that there were soft mats underneath us! I think that helped make me feel more comfortable to just go for it when practicing too, which ultimately made the lifts look better.

The funny thing is… I have still never taken a tango lesson!

I wasn’t feeling too nervous about the routine leading up the performance because we had practiced it so many times. Looking back, I wonder where I fit in all that practice time! I was working full time and taking about 15 college level credits in school. It’s funny how much space you can find in your day when you need to!


Jessie and I dancing back in the day!

Part of why I did not feel that nervous is because I figured that most of the people attending the charity event would be non-dancers and would be less likely to notice if I made a mistake. When we stepped out on the floor to perform, I did a quick scan of the crowd.

Of course, the very best tango instructor in town was sitting in the front row. (insert face palm). She was sure to notice that my technique was all wrong. At least I didn’t have much time to worry about it because our performance began moments later.

Now that I’m a more advanced dancer, it would be easy to watch this video and critique my mistakes. I don’t let myself do that though. I feel nothing but pride when I watch this video as I know how hard we worked to bring this routine to life in such a short period of time. I feel proud of the dance partnership, and of myself for stepping up to the plate and taking on the challenge. I also just really love this song! It is the perfect tango song in my opinion.


Me, Johnny, Jessie and some other dude

When this video was taken about seven years ago, I was at a point in my dance journey where I was just trying out many different styles to see which ones I felt drawn to. I tried east coast swing, lindy hop, salsa, merengue, night club two step, country two step, zouk, fusion, blues, waltz, west coast swing, cha cha, polka, the hustle, bachata, foxtrot, rumba, and samba.

Even though I still technically know how to do all of these dances, and could in a moment’s notice, I rarely do more than three or four styles anymore. I ended up falling in love with West Coast Swing – and that is where I’ve spent most of my dance time over the last 7 years. I also enjoy attending blues or fusion dances from time to time.


Jessie and I at a “Snowflake Ball” dance that winter

Part of why I haven’t shared any current dance videos yet, is because these dance styles are all about connection to your partner, and don’t have a lot of flashy lifts or dips. Although these juicy and soulful dances are what keeps me coming back – I don’t think they show as well as they feel. Choreographed dances have a certain level of synchronicity, in addition to moves that are visually fun to watch!

Perhaps I’ll work up the nerve to post a recent dance video sometime soon. I just need to find a partner that does not mind being on camera! @raised2b doesn’t like to be on camera… although let me tell you – he’s got some moves! We actually met dancing… but that’s a story for another day!

Thanks for watching my throwback tango performance. I really hope you enjoy it. :)

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