How I Made My Mobile "Borg Cube" DIY Audio & VoiceOver Booth for Less Than $20 Bucks! | *Links Included*

About two years ago I was sitting in a cafe on the Upper West Side of NYC between dog walks and I had this thought...

Damn I'd really love to have a shot at voice acting...

Last year when I was in the UK I got my first VO job on Upwork and since then, here in the states, I've been taking jobs and doing auditions intermitently as they come in. If you've been reading my posts for awhile you may remember when I posted about the time I got to do a sassy NY/NJ secretary accent for a hip pretzel bakery in “My Favorite VO Job Yet”.

I had to think of mobile, inexpensive solutions quick. Since I was building up dog sitting clients I never knew where I was going to be when I got an opportunity to read for a part or got an offer on a project, so I did a little research and this is what I came up with...



It's inexpensive and easy to make, blocks ambient and background sounds and echoes brilliantly and the whole thing folds flat when I take it on the road. It's really gotten me by, at a time when I didn't have much space or two pennies to scrape together. If you're a beginning podcaster, online course creator, or VO freelancer on the go like me, this is certainly a place to start. Something is better than nothing right? :D

The Stuffs...

Dröna Folding Linnen Box $4.99

4 Pack Acoustic Foam- $12.99


** Insert drumroll here **

Optional, But Helpful...

Over time I grabbed a few other bits and bobs to give me every extra bit of external noise protection... Don't feel like you NEED these things, they're probably overkill if I'm honest but if you're interested here's the other pieces you see in the photo above.

Foam Microphone Covers 6 pack- $6.99

Pop Filter $6.99

Courtesy of @teamhumble who sent this in a Christmas Care Package <3 So thankful to have a partner who supports the stuff you're chasing down.

If you're just starting out or low on cash this is an awesome option to start. Also, as a note I didnt use any spray adhesive on the squares, they fit almost EXACTLY and they're snug enough that they stay in place. I also wanted to be able to take everything apart and fold the whole kit flat but if you wanted a more permanent option, totally could do!

Now I know my kit needs some upgrading soon. I see all of you audio buffs and engineers rolling your eyes at the sight of the infamous Blue Yeti. I know. But it's what I have. If it pains you to see, please consider 100% upvoting or resteeming this post to help contribute into the pot for a proper Apogee or Hiel mic & setup, especially since I have some potential recurring work coming up (more on that later- WINK!)

Thanks for stopping by!

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