Life As A Digital Freelancer, That time I Got To Do A Harley Quinn-ish Voice! (Voice Acting Gig)

Happy Sunday all! I hope you're having a relaxing day enjoying nature, making stuff, fragging noobs or whatever it is you're into.

I'm still not feeling 100% physically so I decided to take another "slow" day, which for me included, yoga, coffee, my rendition of this Chocolate & Orange Raw Vegan Cheesecake (which I'm hoping to share soon) and testing out my latest batch of Instant Coffee Shower Scrub (which was just as fabulous as I had remembered. YAS.)

I thought it could be a cool time to talk a little bit about how I bring in the incomes that combat my outgoes (see what I did there???). I'm coming up on my one year anniversary on UpWork, a platform for freelancers and clients to find each other, and I've been super blessed with really great clients and opportunity to expand my portfolio. With that, I've expanded my services to Voice Acting.

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For me, Voice Over work was one of those things I really never gave myself permission to do, but deep in my heart I knew I'd love to do. So I started applying for gigs. I cast a pretty wide net and really settled on price because I knew I needed a few ratings and reviews under my belt, sooner or later I built up a few clients and was even able to offer VO to clients who needed video work, and promo materials for their social campaigns. I even made my own nomad friendly, traveling voice over booth that I've lovingly nicknamed "The Borg Cube" (let me know in the comments below if you'd like to see a tutorial on how I made it for less than $20 bucks).



Which leads me to my latest project. It's been a slow climb on the VO front because I'm getting more selective about the projects I want on my portfolio but every once and awhile a super fun one comes along, which leads me to my latest project.

LeBon Pretzels is a pretzel bakery in Union NJ. They posted the job with the title

"LeBon Pretzels / Crazy Funny Voice Over Talent wanted for Auto Attendant Recording"

Yep. Lord knows I can do crazy. I came to find out they needed a semi-obnoxious NY/NJ Italian type accent, and since I'm a real life semi-obnoxious NY/NJ Italian type person I applied, making sure to mention in my cover letter "I was BORN to play this role."

I got it. And I was thrilled. After a brief talk with the client I had a good idea of what was needed and I got to work.

In the end what I gave them was inspired by my mom, John Water's Linda Belcher from Bobs Burgers...

and Tara Strong's Harley Quinn. (skip to 1:20)

The whole project took about a week from start to finish and I couldn't be happier with the results.

Video wizard @teamhumble took my project files and made me this bad ass video for me to be able to share in instances just like this because he's awesome.(hire him, trust me, he knows what's up.) Check it out!

I also just realized that my work is officially live so if you're in the states just call 1- (908) 349-8316 to hear the whole thing. It kind of trips me out to hear my own voice on the other end of a phone! Weird.

Wanna hear the rest of my VO portfolio, first of all Thanks for even taking the time to read this whole post! Use the secret code word: YAYAYA in the comments and I'll be sure to follow you ;) I'm currently looking for all kinds of work ESPECIALLY character work in video games, so if you know anyone who needs a voice like mine, It would mean a lot to me if you sent them this post! Here's my updated reel:

Thanks for stopping by!

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