Chinese poem - “Written at Běi lóu after hánshí festival” by Wei Yingwu (Includes original song and video) | 《寒食後北樓作》- 韋應物 (內有原創樂曲及影片)


Hi there! We’re more than half way through the group stages of the World Cup already, how did your team do? Were there any surprises for you? For me, I was surprised by the outcome of a few of the matches. Talking of surprises, would you be surprised if I told you nearly 15 centuries ago football matches were already held in China? And we’ve got Tang poems to prove that. Follow us to check it out.



The Background 創作背景

In the old days hánshí jié was an important festive date in the China. It falls around the spring time and normally people don’t go out during this day. With little to do in those days, cù jū (ancient football) became a popular past time activity for many.

The people from the Tang dynasty enjoyed many types of ball games, apart from polo (yes they had in those days as well) cù jū was another popular sport. Many of the emperors were avid fans and players, as were many well known poets including Li Bai and Du Fu whom we’ve introduced in the past, and also Wei Yingwu, our poet this week . They wrote many poems about cù jū in their days. In fact if we were to form a Tang poet football team and get them to recite their poems while playing cù jū, I imagine it will be so much more interesting than watching a celebrity football team play!





“Written at Běi lóu after hánshí festival” by Wei Yingwu 韋應物《寒食後北樓作》


yuán lín guò xīn jié , fēng huā luàn gāo gé

yáo wén jī gǔ shēng , cù jū jūn zhōng lè


The Composition 詩句大意

The poem “Written at Běi lóu after hánshí festival” has four lines and is best explained in two parts

Part 1 : The scene in the park after hánshí festival 層次一:寒食節後的園林景象

            yuán lín guò xīn jié , fēng huā luàn gāo gé

Spending the hánshí festival at the park and looking down from the balcony, the flowers are all swaying as the wind blows

####Part 2 : The cù jū match after the hánshí festival 層次二:寒食節後的蹴鞠比賽
            yáo wén jī gǔ shēng , cù jū jūn zhōng lè

The army are playing cù jū from far away and one can hear the sounds of the beating drums. This is an entertainment for us


The Poetic Structure格律特點

Sentence 句式

There are four lines in this poem making this a jué shī or quatrain, and each line has 5 words, so this is a five word quatrain.



Highlight of the poem 精選句子


            yáo wén jī gǔ shēng , cù jū jūn zhōng lè

In our previous post we introduced two types of cù jū games from the old days, zhù qì and bái dǎ. If you missed our previous post you can check it out here @ccp-hk/24f20520-6fd8-11e8-8587-fb4bcb1f0470. This week we’re going to introduce a third type that was normally play in the army as part of their training, and is very similar to modern day football.

This is called jū chéng (wall) as there is a low wall surrounding the playing field, similar to the white line we have today. Two teams of 12 compete in each match and the emphasis is on using your body to touch the ball. Again that’s like modern day football but with one more player in each team. On each end of the field, a net is tied to a pair of bamboo poles, this is the goal, and the objective is to kick as many goals into the net as possible within the set time. Apart from the players, there is a also a jū zhèng (official) ie the referee. So you can see, in the Tang dynasty they already used football to train the soldiers, that is so innovative and fun.





The music and sketch 詩與畫

This week we have added a samba theme to our song to make it more exhilarating, just like when we’re watching the football match. The madarin version is performed by @susanlo and the cantonese version by @tine. In the middle section we have adding a commentary by a well known cantonese speaking football commentator, hopefully you will like this new little experiment of ours.

From you sketch, you can see that the set up of the whole match is actually quite similar to the modern day football, the only difference being the goal. Sadly, China won’t be playing in the World Cup.

在這一次的歌曲創作中,我們嘗試加入了森巴嘉年華的感覺,一種喜悅、刺激且興奮的感覺,正正與一場足球比賽的氣氛一樣!國語部份由@susanlo 主唱,粵語部份由 @tine 主場,而在中間的Bridge中,我們借用了一名足球評論員的粵語評論,希望給大家帶來更新鮮有趣的感覺!


A final word from this week’s post. Since we started the project, @perlia has been translating the ancient Tang poems for us into modern day simple language that we can all understand. Unfortunately she has to leave the team for a while to take a break. Her replacement is the multi talented @susanlo who has already sang 5 songs for us. In future, she will take on the role of literature translation as well. A big welcome to @susanlo to the team and we wish @perlia a speedy recovery and that you will be back soon.

Next week will be a new team and and new post. Till then, take care!

在這一期的結語,我們有一個重大的消息要宣佈!一直為我們進行詩詞解析的 @perlia 將會暫時離開樂筆詩塾,休息一下,至於接替 @perlia的,將會是CN區的大紅人,已為我們唱了5首歌的 @susanlo ! @susanlo 以後除了繼續演唱我們歌曲的國語部份,更會接替 @perlia 為我們解析詩詞,噢!美女真是多才多藝啊!不過,這不代表 @perlia 將永遠離開,在不久的未來,@perlia 休息過後,同樣也是會回到樂筆詩塾的!


Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @perlia
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli


My video is at DLive

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