Coffee 'N Crypto | 16th Cup


Grab your coffee and let's talk SingularityNET and Cryptonex in this 16th Cup of Coffee 'N Crypto.

In this video, I go more into detail about the following information and more:

SingularityNET (AGI)

SingularityNET is using blockchain technology to create a decentralized marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI).

It uses AI wrapping so that AIs can communicate, interact, and learn from one another. AIs can manage its own budget, buy and sell services in the economy, and be be available to provide services.

Goals are to:

  • transition from AI to general AI through the interaction and creation of a portal that AIs use to interact with each other,
  • provide businesses and organizations with a whole suite of AIs available for hire and to boost efficiency and effectiveness, and
  • ensuring AI is used "for good"

Most popular use case is Sophia.


Sophia is known as the world's most expressive robot and was created by one of AGI's founding partners, Hanson Robotics. It is in the process of transitioning to the SingularityNET so that anyone can access Sophia on demand.

Will SingularityNET mainstream AI?

Volume is 1.89 million not billion.

More information in video.

Cryptonex (CNX)

A back-office solution to allow for the instant change of cryptocurrencies into fiat.

#64 ranked in terms of market capitalization but low volume.

Research is bringing up interesting results regarding Cryptonex

More information in video.

Hope this DLive video helps provide value to you while you navigate this cryptospace.

Other Cups in this Series:

Much love and appreciation for your time and attention.


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My video is at DLive

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