Why your kid should grow up with a dog

Dogs are the best mates you'll ever have. Sure, they'll sometimes puke on your favourite rug or fill the room with a pungent smell, but on the whole, they are good for kids.

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This is Trevor, our bullmastiff. He's five years old now. We've got other dogs too but I'm focusing on Trevor because he and my youngest son, Dom, have a very special bond. These pics are a few years old now but I'll feature more updated ones when I transfer all my pics from my phone to the computer (thousands of 'em :P).

Maybe I'm biased but here are some of the reasons I think you should consider getting a pet dog for your kid.



Kids are general sociopaths until they learn that others have feelings too. A pet dog helps with this process. Teaching the kid to show kindness and consider another creature's feelings enables them to fly through this process. It makes them a better person as a result. People are always telling me how kind and thoughtful Dom is.

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Dogs can teach us so many things about loyalty, friendship and responsibility. After we got Trevor, my youngest son became interested in learning as much about dogs as he could. He'd google around for facts about them. This is the sort of kid that needs to be forced to do homework at gunpoint (not literally obvs). Having a pet dog prompted him to be curious enough to seek information on his own. He has excellent research skills as a result.

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Responsibility + Chores

This is a biggie. I got my kid involved with dog care from day one. His job was to rinse the bowls and provide fresh water. When he was younger, I spared him the poo-picking-up duties but he does his fair(ish) share now. He also grooms Trevor with his favourite brush and wipes him down with wet-wipes. And makes sure he's covered up before bed.

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This was an amazing bonding exercise for Dom and Trevor. Every day he would persevere with clicker training. He was so proud with each achievement, almost as proud as Trevor. He taught Trevor a trick called 'Where's Mary?'. This trick involves Trevor running to the curtain and emerging as though auditioning for a part in a nativity play. It's adorable and always makes us laugh.

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My kid doesn't need to be asked twice to go and spend some energy. Walking as a family is great for keeping us fit. Even on days when we don't really feel like going out, we do it because we know it's important to give Trevor the exercise.

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Kids and dogs love fun. A dog is great fun, especially when they're still young and have lots of bouncy energy. Dom and Trevor would play games together – catching a ball, fetching a ball, finding a hidden – you guessed what it is yet? – ball. Trevor likes balls.

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When it's time to relax, Trevor is always there for Dom. He sits near his feet while Dom strokes his neck. It's great that they're there for each other every evening.

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Who can deny the love between a kid and his favourite dog?

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I hope you will consider a pet dog for your kid. Of all the things my son has, nothing compares to his dog.

What other benefits can you think of?


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