Friday, 27.07.2018 - a summary of a day I will never forget. R.I.P. buddy

Only 3.5 years ago we had a car trip to Germany and picked up Snoop

Snoop and me had a lot of fun together. From simply lying in the sun to fun-fighting and walking together.




It's now a little more than one week ago that my life changed drastically

Already on 26.07.2018, I could feel there is something going on. I had no idea what it could be.
My humans were different. @pundito was coming home from work very early. They were crying from time to time and spent a lot of time with my big brother Snoop.
Normally, when they do that I try to get between them to get some attention, too. But I didn't do it that time because I really knew something was wrong here.

The next day - Friday, the 27th of July - @pundito did not go to work at all. That was good news because we could do our morning walk altogether. That was the day before Snoop's 11th birthday.

But there were still the bad vibes I could feel

While walking to our destination we met an old lady who loves Snoop. She started to pet Snoop and began to cry.
At our destination, I was hunting for some mice and I saw another lady walking to my humans and Snoop asking them if everything is OK.
When she left, she was crying, too.

Snoop on our last walk

You can see the pain in his stressed face even we walked for only 200 meters.


Back at home after our walk, there was silence

No radio, no talk, just silence. All were sitting in the living room, looking at Snoop.

About 01:30 PM @pundito went outside and came back about 15 minutes later with very good smelling things in his hands.
A hamburger and a sausage. Disappointed I went to my place again and lay down - Snoop and I would never get anything of these goodies.

But wait ... our humans do not eat meat at all!

Guess what! They did not eat it but let it cool down and gave them in small pieces to Snoop and me!!!
Snoop got much more than I got. But I was OK with it. We finally were allowed to eat this delicious meat.

After a while, it looked like Snoop had some problems after eating the meat. He could hardly walk anymore and after lying down he almost did not move anymore.
I heard my humans talking about relaxing pills that seem to start working.
Relaxing pills for Snoop?!? "He is the most relaxed dog on earth" I thought by myself.
If you show him a ball, he will not react to it. If you throw something, he will not move at all - except it's eatable.

At 16:30 we had a visitor

I knew this woman. We go to her when we are sick. It was the first time she came to us.
She also sat down and looked at Snoop. After some minutes she fetched a surgical needle out her bag and went to Snoop.
Now I knew why Snoop needed relaxing pills. When Snoop saw a surgical needle he always tried to get away. He was very afraid of them.

After she gave him the injection it took about 10 to 15 minutes until Snoop was falling asleep deeply.
She then took another surgical needle and gave Snoop another injected. Good for Snoop he was sleeping.

Our humans were crying and the lady listened to Snoop's heart. When she stood up again she said Snoop was dead.
I was shocked and could not move but when she left I went to Snoop and check for myself.
Snoop was lying there as if he was sleeping but did not react when I nudged his nose.

Snoop lay there about one hour before another person came to us

@psionic-tremors took me with here into another room and when we returned to the living room Snoop was gone.
We prepared to get into the car and drove for a while. When we stepped out of the car we went into a big building but I did not like it there. I started to shiver and my humans tried to calm me down.
The place did not feel and smell OK.

We arrived in a room and there was Snoop again

Lying on a nice table so that we all could say farewell and wish him a good trip over the rainbow bridge.
This was the most terrible day in my life. My big brother left us.

The next days I still looked for him everywhere and waited for him on places where he always lay down.

I miss him a lot. He was my buddy 24/7. We did so many nice and funny things together.

Luckily @psionic-tremors made a farewell song and video for Snoop that will stay forever in her farewell post

The last photo of Snoop

If you look at it, you see he knows what is going on


Now you are in this pyramid with a candle in front of it in our living room.


Snoop, we will never forget you. You were my best buddy and stay in our hearts and thoughts forever.

Your grieving Marley 🐕

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