Thoughts about cloning, our consciousness, and more...


Recently @fulltimegeek announced a Steem campaign with the goal of bringing awareness to certain delicate subjects that certainly deserve to have a larger coverage, and to accomplish this, he reached out to the community with the hopes of finding proper writers to help with this task.

The subjects in question are the followings:

  • Donald Marshall and his community
  • Human Cloning
  • Vrill (more on this at the end)

With this article I would like to share some thoughts I have, mainly about the human cloning subject, and in the case I get chosen to continue on the journey of disclosing said subjects, I will start covering the more controversial ones, which are the incredible history from Donald Marshall and the dangerous existence of the Vrill.

I believe starting off giving an easy explanation of human cloning might be the best way to later on go into the rabbit hole and start discussing more complex and extreme things.

Without further ado, let’s begin.

Thoughts about cloning, our consciousness, and more

It is normal for people to believe cloning human beings and relocating the consciousness is not possible because apparently we have no proof nor example that we could use as reference to prove it is indeed, possible. Nevertheless, the key word here is the word apparently, because if we think about it there are actually several examples of several types that could help anyone to at least consider the possibility of issues like this happening “in real life”.

Before I share an example of this, it is important for us to understand that our reality itself, our universe, our world, our planet and of course, ourselves as individuals, are just information. Everything we see and perceive is information.

I mean, our thoughts, ideas, consciousness, the emotions we have and even our own temperament that defines us as an individual, they are nothing more than the result of all the processing that happen thanks to our neurons.

Everything is information and its our brain’s duty to interpret it so we can interact property with our reality. We are simply a group of atoms engaging with other atoms and always following the same laws that rule our universe.

And when we see ourselves under this let’s say “humble” perspective, it is then when we can start to take this subject on a serious way, and ponder about the different possibilities there might be. In the specific case of the probability of being able to replicate individuals, I think the answer is a resounding yes.

When we realize that the only thing there is in our brains are different patterns of information, we can start making analogies that might help us with understanding the feasibility of us copying/relocating a human mind into a different body.

A regular everyday example

A common example about copying information into a different body is of course, our computers, tools that are essential for our modern lives, and in which we are constantly transferring the same information back and forward over and over again.

So let’s take a short moment to focus ourselves on a simple computer, it has a CPU and storage which would be the same as our brain, it even has a microphone and camera which could be considered the equivalent of our senses.

The most important distinction between a simple computer and our brain is the varying degree of complexity on each one. Our brain is obviously much more complex than a CPU from a computer, even if the CPU is better at making calculations.

As we all know, everyone makes all sort of things with their computers, but what interest us today is the feature of making backups of the information available. And with this, I don’t just mean copying a certain file on a micro SD, I also mean systems image backups that are essentially an identical replication of every piece of data there is in the hard drive. So for example, if we make a system image backup from one PC and apply it on another PC, the second one will boot in the same state as the first one, everything will be completely the same without any difference.

What does this means?

If you followed this example closely, you will surely realize where I am going with this: the same thing applies to a human mind.

In case we are able to develop a backup of our brain defined by the arrangement of its atoms, then it is only a matter of being skillful enough to replicate that same arrangement in order to end up with a brain that is exactly like the first one, and basically, the same person, a clone.

The thing we need to notice here is that, in the end, we would have a construction with an arrangement that are going to be 100% the same as the ones in the “original brain”, and therefore, the personality will be the same, the likes, dislikes, everything will be the same. This person will even feel as if he was the “original one” and in a way, he certainly is, because there wouldn’t be any difference.

Some people might argue about the clone not being the same, but honestly I don’t think anyone could give a rational reason explaining why, because they will literally be the same, no difference whatsoever.

Both individuals will not only believe that they have the same identity, they will also believe with all their willpower that they are the “authentic” one.

An important thing to note, is that, even though these 2 individuals are the same the moment the process is finished, the second later, they will start to change as each of them experience different things in life, what will remain the same is their memories up to that moment.

When people accept this, it will have repercussions that will completely change the structure of society, and what we consider a "person", and we will have to rethink not only the definition of human being, but the laws that govern that concept.

This subject can open all sort of questions, such as what would happen if someone cheats on their partner with their clone, what conclusion would we reach in that case? Or if someone needs to repay a loan to other people, and is immediately cloned and the original kills himself, does that mean that the debt no longer has to be paid, even if the same person who continues to live in an identical but still new body?

What might come next?

I hope that after reading these ideas and thoughts about the cloning subject that can be seen as an introduction into deeper subjects, people may feel a little bit more open minded about what might be coming.

A brief introduction about Donald Marshall is that this man became a whistle-blower from the occult when he disclosed back in 2011 the fact that he himself was the product of an underground human cloning process, and shared alarming information about all sort of abuses and crimes committed by the world elite through secret cults they are member of and that go back a long time. He has been very detailed when sharing his extensive and traumatic experience dealing with these extreme issues for most of his live.

Even the famous rapper B.o.B has made some tweets claiming the existence of cloning centers and even leaving an enigmatic picture, judge for yourself:

Are they the enemy? who are they really?


Probably the most shocking disclosure Donald Marshall shared was about the Vrill, an ancient and unknown race that can take control of the human brain by infecting it through the eyes, and this way, start infiltrating our society in order to take absolute control over our affairs and manipulate us in all sort of ways.

Manipulating parasites use mind control to steer infected hosts to become much more vulnerable to predation by a suitable next host. Although many cases of host behaviour manipulation are known, surprisingly little is known about the mechanisms behind this fascinating phenomenon. | Source

This could be an explanation about why some of our political leaders seem to act like psychopaths, you see, when a parasite takes control of a host, it makes the host act in ways that could fairly be considered extreme and sometimes irrational.

Everything I wrote here is just for dipping our toes into this rabbit hole, these subjects will be further developed in the case I get picked as one of the writers to give coverage about these issues.

Thanks for reading!

The first 5 images are from pixabay, sources below:

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,

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