A sketch, a dahlia, and some teasels

Sketching with ideas for my next Singularity piece.


I'm enjoying toying with the anachranitstic feel of my 'future' world and so have been toying with some Garden Party scenario's for my Singularity creatures. Caught in the momentum of repeating traditional actions, but wondering at their own reason for doing them seems appropriate to an old fashioned Summer gathering that will sit on the cusp of Edwardian afternoon and Steampunk. We shall see where it goes.

It has been a busy week and looks to be a busier one coming up. I still find time each day to sketch and work on art. Although, I have a few pieces in progress pretty much all the time, I'm always coming up with new ideas, so sketching them out is half the battle on the way to some watercolour studies and final pieces.

Summer here is a busy time for me as I also let out two little cottages in the Summer. And since I am an avid amateur gardener, I get pretty excited when I see new things blooming. Yesterday, at the cottages, I was excited to see my teasals blooming.

Also called dipsaucas, they are biennal in that they only grow foliage their first season and then get their amazing thistle like flowers the second. You can see they are intermingled with my thorn-less blackberry hedge.

These flowers are amazing as they fill in with their little lavender coloured blooms and come fall they turn brown and are a great dried flowers. They will last forever.

Not to be outdone by my cottage teasels, Toad Hall is blooming as well. And my yellow dahlia is finally blooming. I have been waiting for this first flower to burst open. The bloom is about as big as my fist!

A second bud is ready to grow right beside it. I have to say I really love dahlias, but in our climate I have to dig them up in the fall and store them in the cellar or they'd never make it.

I realize this post seems a sort of random mish mash, but on a warm sunny Summer day with art calling and the cool sea beckoning me as well, this is probably the most coherent I can be to share my sketch and the flowers that excited me today.

I hope you get a chance to go outside and be excited by your own passions. Take a moment to smell a bloom or sketch anything.

If you like my work by all means upvote, resteem, and comment. I always appreciate comments.

And check out my other posts, including my latest Singularity painting.

Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved


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