My Creative Journey 46

How do you start a post you know no one will ever read? How do you get up in the morning and work on things you know no one will care about? How do you fight past crippling self doubt, emotional and physical exhaustion? What do you do on those mornings where all you want to do is walk off into a forest and forget that society exists?

The same thing you do on the mornings where everything seemed great.

You start typing words, reciting mantras, and fight through all that doubt. You focus on those moments where you saw the light, when people were patting you on the back, and hope shit will be get better. Because the one thing you do know, is that if you do nothing, nothing will happen. And, even if you're only able to do a little on the bad days, at least it's a little.

Trust me, it adds up. I'm having one of those mornings and all I want to do is hide my head under the covers, but, instead I'm here doing my best. Why would I bring something like this up on my art blog? Because if you're trying to do anything outside the norm, you will probably have a lot of days like this. And, as a creative, it most definitely is a part of the journey.

Am I doing the right thing? Will anyone ever give a fuck? Is this stuff shit, or gold?

A vicious cycle that wears on the psyche. But, you can't let it kill you. You can't let it slow you down. That's how people succeed. They don't ignore what's going on in their head. They acknowledge it, seek to understand it, and find the cracks in the armor of our enemy, doubt.

Do I suck?
Hell no. I have friends hitting me up all the time about how awesome stuff is beginning to look. I even have friends buying me art supplies, making sure I have what I need to grow. How cool is that? Am I the best? No...but I've only been doing art for like 4 or 5 months. Seriously...if I keep up this pace I sure as heck ain't worried...but...

Does anyone give a fuck?
Only if I tell them to. Why don't more people know about me and my work? It's because I'm not marketing myself right...or marketing enough. If I want people to see me, I have to let them know I'm hear. Which means learning and implementing the right strategies. It's not that they don't give a fuck, they just haven't heard about me, yet.

Am I doing the right thing?
I don't know about you, but I can't stand the thought of not creating. What would I do in my free time if I had any? Create. If I was rich, what would I do? Create. If I had one last day to live, what would I do? After getting a hooker I'd probably create up until the last moment.

Bad days are bad days, and they will happen. You just gotta muddle through them as best you can. And, most importantly, not give up.

So, enough of that, let me show you want I created last night.


It was a pretty productive night.

These were done after I spent a couple hours doing the sketch and erase thing. I wanted to see how the new kind of practice with charcoal would affect my ink work. Overall, I like what it did for my outlines. Scratch that, love what it did. They're still pretty rough, but I think the images feel pretty alive. The way the lines give them energy in different directions, how the line thickness changes to accent different things. All very subtle, all still very rough, but thinking on some of the permanent marker drawings I did like a month ago, way improved. I'll do another couple hundred and see what happens, hehe.

And, yes, I did another skull. Mainly to flip the vibe for a second.

I'll show a couple of the sketch and erase figures I did as well. Practice, practice, practice, hehe.

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It's a tough morning and I'm fighting negative feedback loops, but I'm going to do my best to follow my own advice.

...A friend walked up as I was/am writing this, and he saw some of my work that I have laying out. Turns out he was watching my Instagram Live show last night. Yes, I do these live online pretty much every night. It was cool to hear from someone who actually watched, and to get some feedback. More proof that I'm on the right track...hopefully, lol. So, I'm going to get back to the fight.

Thanks for stopping by! This journey is going to be a long and hard one and I appreciate others being there along the way. I hope y'all have a great weekend!


Previous posts:
My Creative Journey 45
My Creative Journey 44
My Creative Journey 43
My Creative Journey 42
My Creative Journey 41
My Creative Journey 40
My Creative Journey 39
My Creative Journey 38
My Creative Journey 36 + 37 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 16
My Creative Journey 35 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 15
My Creative Journey 33 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 14
My Creative Journey 32 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 13
My Creative Journey 31 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 7
My Creative Journey 30 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 12
My Creative Journey 29 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 06
My Creative Journey 28
My Creative Journey 27
My Creative Journey 26 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 11
My Creative Journey 25 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 05
My Creative Journey 24 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 04
My Creative Journey 23 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 010
My Creative Journey 22
My Creative Journey 21 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 09

See available original drawings and paintings for sale


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