My Creative Journey 29 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 06

Every journey begins with a step...and continues with countless more. There is no end to the creative path. Only progress. To get better you have to do. Your skills, your mind, your art will not get better unless you try. And trying means you will fail a lot. But, if you keep at it, eventually you will triumph, break through, and be where you want to be. Here is another step on my journey.

Rage and passion are so closely linked I can't even begin to describe it. Like love and hate, there's a fine line between the two. Every day, and more so lately, I dance back and forth between the two. The doubt, the confidence. The love, the hate. The frustration, the satisfaction. I wish there was less hyperbole in my world and more stability, but, alas, I do not think that was the lot I drew in this life. Some of that kind of came out when I was chatting with my sister over the phone for her birthday and Mothers day yesterday.

Now, don't get me wrong, my family has always been behind me and supported my artistic endeavors, but I know what they're thinking. It's because I've seen this movie before.

I think everyone has. It's a common one. While most people have their careers, their jobs, their decently steady lives, I've pretty much said 'fuck that,' and done my own thing. Sometimes things have worked out, sometimes not. Mostly not...until now.

I am that crazy uncle. The question mark of the family. The one everyone wonders what will happen to. It's a weird position to be in. I watch almost everyone I know hit their singles and round the bases calmly, while I aim for the fences on every swing. I know I'll either hit one out of the park, or retire in ignominy. -ignominy unknown, uncared for

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But, all that aside. Let's take a look what I created yesterday :) Being a Sunday I had more time than usually...and I even took a break! Crazy, I know. I still drew and inked...kinda of a lot, lol.

As you can tell I've been working on skulls a bit.

A lot of these are from memory vs a picture, which I think is pretty cool. A useful skill when you're riding trains heading somewhere with nothing to do but draw and don't want to get out your phone, hehe. I think two of these I drew at the coffee shop, one was on the train, and one was before I got my new 16oz bottle of ink out to play. Nothing too crazy to say about these. Just practice, practice, practice. A good demonstration of how applying yourself to a specific task can show results if you keep it up :)

I also played a little more with masks.


Nothing crazy awesome, but, progress. All of these came from my own head using the framework of gas masks that I've been building up. There's also an edge of the skulls in there somewhere. Remember how I said drawing lots of skulls would let me get familiar with how faces work? Well, it's very true, hehe. Everything is a building block, no matter how small or stupid you think it might be.

These drawings started to give me the inkling of different characters I could create, should I decide to do some more comic related or character related stuff.

It also reminded me that I need to get back to working on bodies because, after all, eventually these cool looking heads might need to match up with the lower halves, hehe.

After 5 pages of sketching I figured it was time to get into that new bottle of ink.


I did a lot of playing on this page. My first was the large skull on the bottom right. You can tell I haven't used brush and ink for a much off about it. But, moving left to the next big skull I got into the groove pretty quick. The three on the top were a bunch of fun as I decided to experiment with quick , almost interpretive expressions of what I'd been practicing. I'm always seeking the impactful, the iconic, so if I can figure how to draw the skull in my own way yet still keep it recognizable, that will be awesome. I'm also working on how to shrink my work down so I can fit it on 4x6 postcards, hehe.


With this next sheet I decided to play with masks again, I think mostly because one of my favorite paintings was sitting at the edge of my peripheral vision and since it's a mask and I want to do more of that better...hehe. If I can draw an amazing mask with the energy and color of the first should be pretty cool. And, I'm still on the edge whether or not to make my first postcard series skulls or masks or something completely random.

If you want to see me lay this ink down...guess what? Here's Ep. 06 of Watch me Draw!

Music: Lobo Loco

Oh, and I also want to make a note that I'm sketching on a 24x36 pad, so you can get an idea of the scale. As always, the bigger the better for me and my work :) I'd fill each page with a face but I really want to get some practice in and for right now, I can't really afford more large notebooks like that. But...since it was getting late and I really wanted to lay down some heavy ink and make something impactful...


I filled a page anyways.

There's something really satisfying about drawing big and being bold about it. I had fun working with a larger brush which led to some interesting issues as well as abilities. The brush I decided to use was a bit frayed at the ends, and to get it to lay down a thick track I had to stroke in a certain way, but not too hard, otherwise it would pool, but I could do some really cool scratching affects with it. One of these days I'll use multiple brushes on a single piece...maybe tonight, hehe.

It's strange how lots of stuff is starting to become just a natural motion, just things I do because I do them because I know, or at least feel they are right. My ability to get proportions right is also getting better. Practice makes perfect :) Something to keep in mind for anyone who wants to get into art. Three months ago I was scribbling gnarly faces in a notebook, now...people can recognize what I'm trying to draw, hehe. Not always...but, most of the time.

I'm gonna get going for now. I've still got a bunch of stuff to do tonight.

Top of the list is figuring out Twitch, so I might be able to get donations from people who watch me as I paint live. The more people that see me work, the better. A lesson I learned from watching a cool talk by Gary Panter. It sounds like a no-brainer kind of idea...but I've met so many artists who keep their work pretty much secret. So far I've sold 2 paintings because of my videos, and 1 because of a live, so, seems to be working so far.

Thank you all so much for dropping by. This journey is a tough one and knowing that there are people out there who like what I do and are willing to help support it...well, it's a great feeling. If you want to know more about anything I do, or can think of something that might make these posts more interesting....let me know. That's how and why I do the time lapse videos. Until the next well!


Previous posts:
My Creative Journey 28
My Creative Journey 27
My Creative Journey 26 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 11
My Creative Journey 25 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 05
My Creative Journey 24 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 04
My Creative Journey 23 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 010
My Creative Journey 22
My Creative Journey 21 + Watch me Paint! Ep. 09
My Creative Journey 20 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 03
My Creative Journey 19 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 02
My Creative Journey 18 + Watch me Draw! Ep. 01
My Creative Journey 17
My Creative Journey 16
My Creative Journey 15 PT 2 + Watch Me Paint! Ep. 08
My Creative Journey 14 + Watch Me Paint! Ep. 07
My Creative Journey 13 + Watch Me Paint! Ep. 06
My Creative Journey 12 + Watch Me Paint! Ep. 05
My Creative Journey 11 + Watch Me Paint! Ep. 04
My Creative Journey 10 + Watch Me Paint! Ep. 03
My creative journey 9
My creative journey 8
My creative journey 7
My creative journey 6
My creative journey 5
My creative journey 4
My creative journey 3
My creative journey 2
My creative journey 1

See available original drawings and paintings for sale


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