My son has started kindergarten for the first week. I was feeling a little anxious about sending him to kindergarten. Luckily, he is adapting well, at least, he enjoys his first week school life. My son runs to school happily every morning, although he is only 3.5 years old. He has been in preschool since age three, and he learned how to use a spoon, and how to communicate with teachers and classmates. And today is teacher’s day. We finished drawing a card for his teacher together.
小朋友上幼儿园一个星期了,居然适应的很好,跟之前 @kanxsh 说的他儿子上幼儿园哭了一年完全相反,我家每天早上欢天喜地的去上学,上学路上比我跑得还快。大概是因为小朋友之前上了半年学前班的缘故,在学校里不哭不闹表现超好。恰逢教师节,跟小朋友一起画个贺卡感谢幼儿园的老师。
I have drew two characters from Super Wings, Dizzy and Jett. And I have included my son's favorite things in the picture: football, lollipop and carrot. And my son helped color picture.
Draw the outline
Color the picture
Add the details
Write the greeting words and my id