Drawing Challenge #10 - Nepali Hat

Hi Guys! I am entering the drawing challenge organized by @helene with this drawing made for the theme Hat with the title Nepali Hat. The Nepali hat is called Dhaka Topi in Nepal and the name comes from the fabric called dhaka made using hand looms and topi means hat.

At first, I was quite reluctant to post this drawing as I messed it up and the face looks quite weird since I got the proportions wrong and also due to my limited skills in this field. However, I am running quite late for re-doing another one and submission deadline is nearby. I guessed I would post this one and work harder on another challenge. So, please go through the drawing and process below:

The Work Done


I used HB pencil for sketching outlines, acrylic colours to finish it off and a black pen for the black patterns of the hat.As per the rules of the challenge here is the drawing process:





I would be thankful any kinds of comments this post receives however I would like some critical feedbacks as I am trying to improve my drawing skills. Any type of useful feedback will be a thumbs up. Thanks a lot.

If you would like to check my other works, please visit:







If you would like to know about dhaka topi please visit the link


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