Visitation Dreams "IFC S2 R31 - Entry"

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It was the year 2006, I had just turned 14 years old, I hadn't seen him for probably 6 months by this point. Unexpectedly one night, he showed up to see me. I was talking to him while we sat in his precious all black truck. The truck was perfect just as I remembered it, it still had the words Harley Davidson engraved on both sides of the front windows. I remember crying hysterically trying to get out the words, "Dad, why did you leave me? I wasn't ready."

Sitting next to me with the same goofy smirk I always remembered him having, he looks at me with the smirk now gone and says, "I know and neither was I but I came back to say goodbye..." The final moments with him went by so quick but it is something that never leaves my mind. Will it ever? I don't think so. He had this beautiful glowing light around him and I said to him, "But I don't want to say goodbye. Why do you have to leave me? Just stay." I struggled to get the words out.

His final words to me before he left were, "I'm so sorry. You know how much I will always love you. You will always be daddy's little girl and I will always be with you." It has been over 10 years I have never seen his face or heard his voice since his final goodbye.

Currently this is the only picture that I have of my dad

This was a very vivid dream that I had a few months after my dad passed away. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye and I always felt like his passing was my fault. Can a loved one visit you in a dream? I certainly think so. It was closure that I needed so I would know that he was okay, even if it was nothing more than a dream. I often wondered if in his final moments of life, did he think of me and did he know that I loved him? Since that final visit, I have never had another dream with him in it and I have yet to understand why.

Visitation dreams from loved ones are fairly common. They aren't like any typical dream. They feel different, they feel real. Many dreams feel real while it is happening but visitation dreams continue to feel real and they never ever fade. Majority of the time, we will remember bits and pieces of a dream and nothing is ever really clear. Unless we write them down, details of that dream will be long forgotten. Through our dreams, it is easier for our loved ones to connect with us. Our mind is shut down with no blocks from our daily lives getting in the way. Just why haven't I seen him since...?

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