Dream Diary - 21/9/2017

Hi Steemit,

I woke up at 3am this morning so I could note down my dream from last night. I had another dream about family and cars. See what you make of this one.

Thursday 21st September

I was dreaming of car shopping. I was looking at a black Toyota Prius. Walking around deciding to take it out for a test drive. My mum had given my brother a ten pound note. He was waking around folding it in half and pulling it apart sharply…constantly… so it made that fresh, crisp note sound. I found it really irritating. When I got to the car, I walked around and admired it. I sat in the vehicle and had a good feel of the steering wheel and interior. I saw my dad before I went on my test drive. He had in his hand letters and magazines and asked if could come with me as he wanted me to take him to the post office. I asked him “Do you have to do it right now??”. He told me ”I pay the bills and I pay for the car!”
Then he went off and was talking to the salesman about the mags. I was sooooo embarrassed. As I drove the car out of the showroom I noticed my seat was so low to the ground. I could barely see over the steering wheel and my ass felt like it would be scraping the road! Then I remembered about my seatbelt. I hadn’t put it on. I had to stop. I couldn't see where I was going either as my vision was blurry. (This has been re-occurring). The salesman directed me to a road to turn off. It wasn't a turning! It was a parking space and I pulled into the wrong way. I had drove on the pavement to get in the parking area and it turned out a disabled bay! Once I had stopped I reached into my handbag and found an old pair of glasses. I don’t wear glasses anymore. They didn’t help as the dashboard was still out of focus. Plus, what was I thinking??? I didn’t really want a Toyota Prius. I wanted a VW Golf!! I was hoping no one had saw what happened. Especially as I swear I saw a police car on my little escapade.

It’s no surprise I dreamt about buying a car as I have been on the look out for a new one. However, I didn’t intend on looking at Toyota or VW for that matter. It’s really a BMW sporty number I’m after!!

Whilst I’m here, I remembered part of my dream from a few days before Sunday 17th September 2017

I dreamed that night about meeting new people across the road and they were waiting for my neighbours to move out. They were expecting new people to move in, possibly their tenants. I didn't even know next doors house was up for sale. Then I saw a sign with a figure of £600,000. I wondered what was it going to be like with new neighbours. Who were they and will they be quiet as mice or will they be a loud family moving in?

Not very imaginative, I know. Surely there’s got to be something there, right??

I also remembered another part of my dream from Wednesday 20th September 2017

I was at a big house. It belonged to my best friend and her fiancé. The house had a big staircase and it was white with pink carpets. I was standing at the top of the staircase. I was wearing a nudey pink coloured floor length dress. It was slim fitting and it had a long slit up the side. My friends fiancé was coming up the stairs and as he approached I totally leg bombed him! Then he smiled at me and put his hand up the slit of the dress. I was mortified!!! He shouted at me and called me all these names under the sun. I shouted at him back telling him he was a dirty, pervy man. He had been very aggressive and I was going to tell my friend not to marry him.

Weird or what??? I love my friend and her fiancé to pieces!!! I can’t wait for their wedding, especially as I’m bridesmaid too!!

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