Dreams, dreams… What do they mean??


I pretty much remember my dreams and have an exceptional memory for detail. It’s really bizarre! Sometimes I wake my husband up in the middle of the night to tell him about them. I can’t just tell him about the general story. I have to tell him about the colours, the objects, the sounds. I decided to note my dreams and to share them with you. Feel free to comment on how you would interpret my dreams.

One dream I had not so long ago. I dreamt I was driving a car as you go going about my business, I suddenly fell asleep at the wheel and when I did wake up in the car, I was relieved that I hadn’t caused an accident or killed someone. Then I found myself driving down the dual carriage way where I live. I remember I saw lots of cattle, goats and dogs on either side of the road. Some looked like they were injured and some were happy and smiling, jumping for joy. I wanted to pick up all the injured ones and heal them. I decided to follow the road to the roundabout and do a u-turn to pick them up. As I approached the roundabout I realised I wasn’t in any car. My vehicle was basically a flat piece of metal with four wheels. It looked like a giant metal skateboard! There was no steering wheel. The vehicle had a switch similar to a light switch and I had to flick it back and fourth to turn the vehicle. I ended up going fast around the roundabout and then I awoke! How strange!!!

I do have a couple of re-occuring dreams. All car related (there’s a theme building here). This one in particular, I always dream I am driving home from work. I end up stopping in the local supermarket. I’m always walking round the chilled and frozen section. Then after I have done my shopping, I go to the petrol station to fill up. I then start to make my way home. I drive my normal route. These roads don’t exist in real life, but I always drive the same route, see the same sights and queues of traffic. After about 15 mins or so I have a big decision to make. Do I take the long route home, which I feel is the safest or do I approach the big roundabout. The big roundabout may not sound like such a big deal to most, but on one of the exits it splits into two. I need the road on the right. It’s a long road that goes up at a 20 degree angle. There is a big gap and you have to make a jump to reach the other side to the descending road. I feel hot, sick and anxious as I’m making my way towards the jump. Im always scared I won’t make it, but I do. That’s where this dream ends.

The other dream is very similar and I’ve had it over ten times. Always the same place, but it doesn’t exist in real life. I’m always on the motorway. I’m in my little hatchback and I am always driving towards my grans house. One of the slip roads is a corkscrew. There are no barriers and you have to go round at speed. I feel my car drift as I go up the corkscrew. It’s very, very high. I’m so close to the edge and when I get to the end of the corkscrew, my car flies off into the air. I feel like I’m not going to make it and I am going to plummet into the ground or a sea of water. I never know what happens as I always wake up before I land.


The worse thing with these dreams is that I was never afraid of heights. Now when I am in a car, it scares me going over toll bridges and high roads. There is a particular road where I live that does have a corkscrew. I am ok as a passenger, but if I have to drive it, I feel sick. Even when I have a passenger. My dreams have made me like this. I feel like one day it will come true and I end up crashing and falling off the edge.

One more dream that I get quite frequently is about contact lenses. I always dream they are the size of my whole eyeball. I never know how I get them in, but if I don’t put them in then everything I see is one complete blur.

Anyway, I am going to tell you about my dream I had a couple of nights ago.

Sunday 17th September

I dreamt I was coming back from holiday and the connecting flight was delayed (I think I dreamed this because of the cancellations with RyanAir - although I would never every fly with them). I dreamt I was in the airport, like a baggage waiting area with seats. Hanging around like a blue assed fly. I heard the flight was massively delayed and the company were going put us up in houses. I remember I saw a lot of families with children and then I saw everyone rush to a chilled area and everyone was grabbing pizza and garlic bread. I wanted to get my hands on some. Then one woman (about the same age as me) asked me if I wanted to do something with her later after we had landed at home. Like a charity event or some get together, I don’t know. I said to her to search for me on social media as I have a lot going on in the future and give me some dates and I’ll see what I can do.

Then I dreamed we were somewhere else. Like a wooden room that was built in the Crystal Maze. I heard gun shots then I saw holes appearing in the walls and floor and there were people shooting at us. I felt like I was in Mexico but I cannot be sure where I was. I felt a bullet brush the side of my lower leg and it had scorched my skin as it went past. I felt really scared and I felt my heart in mouth. I felt very sick and dizzy too. I honestly thought I was going to get shot and die any second now. I woke up in a cold sweat worried about closing my eyes.

In another dream that night I dreamt I was in a green area. My eyesight was very bad. Everything was fuzzy and blurry. I found some contact lenses, they were in three pieces. I put them in but my vision was still distorted. I found my old glasses and put them on and still no such luck. I was worried because I felt like I was going blind and never be able to see again.


Is it our subconscious that makes us dream? Do they really have meanings and are trying to tell us about our life? Who knows, but watch this space for more of my weird and wonderful dreams.

Dream - 20/9/2017
Dream - 21/9/2017
Dream - 22/9/2017

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