Dream Diary - 22/9/2017

Last nights dream consisted of quite a few little dreams. I woke up again at just before 6am this morning to note down everything I could from last night.

Friday 22nd September

My first dream included Liam Gallagher, the singer from the 90’s band Oasis. I dreamed I was in Hove and I saw him. We were talking about braces. He had his on and I had mine on. His dental nurse gave me a huge syringe and it was full of clear liquid. She activated it somehow. I had to shake it. The liquid turned into a thick white paste. I don't know what I was supposed to do with it, however, I did offer to do his clothes washing.

Afterwards, I dreamed I was at a hotel. I was catching up with mine and my husbands friends. We were sat outside in the courtyard. I was sat on the bench table. I had a roll up sticking out of my mouth. Weird because I don’t smoke! The friends turned up and I had to hide it. We sat about talking and then it was time to go indoors. I put the roll up back in my mouth and took a huge puff on it. Then we headed inside. Once inside the hotel everyone sat around a table. I was sat on the stairs and my braces had become loose. Then they started to come off little by little. Eventually the whole set from the top grill had come off. Everyone was looking at me. I tried to hide what was happening, but it was impossible. My braces were in bits. There were brackets everywhere, some were still held together by chains and springs! I ended up gathering up as much as I could from my broken braces and put them inside a clear plastic bag. I blamed my husband for them braking because he had given me some biscuits to eat. They must have been the culprit that broke my braces!

Then next I was in a multi story car park and I looked everywhere for a space. Why do I keep dreaming about cars??? I had to park on the very top floor of the building that was outside. I was in a Reliant Robin the most grossest car known to man I managed to find a space and squeeze into it. The parking space was tiny! I had parked in between another Reliant Robin and another car. I couldn't get out of the car though. There were only millimetres between the doors. There was no way I was getting out. Impossible is an understatement!

I dreamt about first dates restaurant. JP from Hell's Kitchen was there as the maitre d. I was wearing a faux fur coat and a black dress with heels. I asked him for a selfie by a bar. He was going to but said there was a big party in another room and he turned me down. He did say I could have one another day. He asked me if I wanted a table for a date to arrive. I said I'm married. I saw another table of six. There were some ppl sat on it already and I asked if I could join them. I don't remember the response. I just remember Paul Robinson from Neighbours sat on another table with Terese Willis and they were eating a whole chicken.

Lastly, my final dream was like an old fashioned murder mystery. I remember I saw an old lady. She was decked out in purple velvet and was wearing gold jewellery. I don't remember what we were trying to find out about her. All I remember saying was that she looked terrible for her age and she didn't look after herself. Her skin reminded me of the roast chicken skin Paul and Terese were eating!

So what do we make of this Steemers??

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