The Car Crash

It was Friday night and I was fighting to stay conscious, I had taken a little too much GHB and my brain was no longer being reasonable.

This was bad time to have a non-functioning brain, because I was managing a gas station and some lady kept trying to wake me up to so she could prepay for her gas. Despite being comatosed I was fully aware of what was happening and I managed to force my eyelids open to see a line of angry people. I realized that I must have been out for much longer than I initially thought so I apologized to the woman, claiming that I was suffering from Narcolepsy and asked if she would not tell the owner. The mood of the crowd had shifted to sympathy except for one man who said this was ridiculous while throwing quarters at me, I think it was to pay for a cup of coffee, but I will never know.

I rung up all the customers and I no longer felt tired, the high was rapidly slipping away so I prepared another dose.

I promised myself I would only redose twice, but the last time I made that promise I lost three days and needed a strong regiment of antibiotics to recover. I told myself that this time would be different, I would not fall victim to the sexual depravity that GHB so desperately craves, instead I would take the high road, helping customers and listening to some good music while feeling great. I squirted the carefully measured syringe into my mouth and chased it with some water, while writing the time and dosage onto a piece of paper to ensure that I didn't forget.

Within twenty minutes I was dancing to “Another One Bites the Dust” in a gas station that was spinning around me like an oversized merry go round.

I decided to take the party outside for a cigarette, but I noticed that the gravitational field was now pulling to the right, which was making it hard to walk. Every time I blinked I would have flashing hallucinations and then I heard aloud bang and some car was driving on two wheels. I laughed at the audacity of this hallucination until I heard the sounds of metal zipping by me. I thought that this was really odd, these visions only last for about a millisecond and I was watching a car that was slamming itself to the ground and was loudly wobbling into the parking lot.

I should have expected it, about a month earlier the city converted the right hand lane into a turning lane and added some concrete for a crosswalk.

So every weekend some maniac would plow into the concrete destroying their car while taking out the crosswalk post and this weekend proved to be no different. The car made metallic gurgling sound as it hobbled to a stop. I could hear the woman screaming and crying in Korean as she got out of the car. I slowly stood up to see if I could help the woman, but as she was walking she disappeared and reappeared beside me, I realized then that I was loosing time.

I struggled to fight off the blackouts as I attempted to calm her down.

She was hysterical, I couldn't understand anything she was saying so I asked “Is there any one you can call?” Surprisingly while still crying she said “Yes, I can call my brother.” I turned to walk toward the store but she grabbed a hold of my arm for support which threw off my balance and we both fell down, so I had to help her back to her feet and into the store. I am not sure what she said when she was on the phone, but she was still screaming and crying even after she hung up. I repeatedly tried to calm her without any luck and she was scaring the occasional customer. After thirty minutes we went outside to wait for her brother, but she continued to walk around screaming This was a problem for me because I did not need the police to show up, so I kept trying to calm her down. I explained “Everything is going to be OK, your brother will be here soon” and it finally worked, she stopped crying.

Then out of nowhere I heard a loud bang as another car crashed into the concrete.

I could tell that this brought back all the trauma of her accident, because she immediately began screaming. I was feeling frustrated, after an hour of calming her down I then had to start all over. I said “Everything is going to be fine, your brother will be here soon” and she screamed “That is my brother!” while pointing at the car that was stumbling into the parking lot. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I wondered how many other relatives were we going to send hurdling into that slab of concrete. The chemically induced empathy was wearing off and I came to the realization that I had had enough. I no longer wanted to watch a hysterical woman yell in a foreign language while punching her brother. So I went back inside to get G'd up while watching the Tow Truck Show without the sounds of a shrieking woman.

When a High Pressure Salesman Shakes Hands with a Lunatic in Disguise

Where are all the Stupid People?

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