💠 An open invitation for Steemians to not-chat with me! Plus my first DTube video upload! ✨

Watch An open invitation to not-chat with me :-) video on DTube

My Vision For These Not-Chats:

  • 20-minute video conversations. On Zoom. Tight and focused.

  • Deep dive into one question (which will certainly lead to others).

  • A topic or angle you cover that I am either curious, or passionate, about.

  • A topic or angle you cover that AFFIRMS LIFE and/or promotes well-being.

I am less interested in technical and political content. I appreciate all bodies of knowledge, but the sounds I want to amplify in the world are heart-centered.

I'm especially drawn to new, ancient, inner and plant technologies that help us be our best selves!

If you are in agreement with the above points, then this format of not-chat will be especially great for:

  1. MINNOWS, or anyone, who wants more exposure for their ideas, projects and content.

  2. INTROVERTS, or anyone, who struggles to feel comfortable in front of the camera, but WANTS to. It's easier to break out of fear by talking about something for which you feel strongly.

  3. VISIONARIES, or anyone, who cannot be talked out of being a force for good!


These not-chats are a complimentary sample of that experience.


Related + Recent Posts:

* My #2 Favorite Natural Beauty Product: FERMENTED RICE WATER

* Check Out My Not-Chat With Starr O'Hara

* Allow Your Good Thing

* My Name Is Erika, And I Am A Biophiliac

What would you like to not-chat about?

Tell me: @erikaharris on steemit.chat

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