The War On The Middle Class


My friend @dwinblood did an excellent article about the shrinking middle class.
In it he explains many of the the ramifications. What I want to explore is the how and why. You have to forgive me, but after several years doing lectures on Economics and Social Sciences I came to understand that most people do not understand economics so I tend to make my approach very basic and simple... not because I think the readers are stupid, it's just that econ is not a subject that interests most people. So please forgive me if I seem condescending... please believe that it's not intentional.

The why is fairly simple. A strong middle class is NOT in the best interest of globalists who seek world domination. A perfect example is Africa. I did a whole series about neo-colonialism in Africa- something that absolutely should not be happening considering Africa's wealth of natural resources. Africa's problem is no value added. Let me digress a moment...

What created a strong middle class in America was value added. Each step of production causes value to be added to the end product by creating employment, which in turn, creates consumers. As natural resources in the US were extracted and manufactured turning them into consumer products such as autos, for example, it created layers upon layers of consumers of the end products. Others are exported to consumers abroad. This is value added, simply put.

What should be happening in Africa is this: The African nations should receive zero interest, or low interest loans from the World Bank's IMF (International Monetary Fund). That's the intended purpose of the IMF. Those loans would then be used to extract natural resources and a manufacturing base, thus creating value added and concomitantly a middle class would naturally emerge. The advantage of a strong middle class, it's almost axiomatic, is political/economic/social stability. This is what the globalists do NOT want. They want a small population that they can dominate (see the Georgia Guidestones for further reference). A strong middle class is antithetical, indeed anathema, to the globalists. In the last of my Africa series I explained the globalists one-size-fits-all paradigm for neo-colonialism (see link at end).

What is happening in Africa is the opposite of what should be happening. The globalist bankers and corporations are exploiting Africa's vast natural resources, being extracted by people living in virtual slavery (often children), to be exported to places like China to be manufactured by prison labor or to sweat shops in places like Indonesia where laborers are paid substandard wages preventing value added everywhere. Why? To create a two-tier economic society... with the profits (which are vast) being channeled to the top. This is why the middle class in America must be destroyed.

Typically, global corporations have been exporting jobs overseas seeking "cheap labor to maximize profits for the shareholders." These shareholders are usually said to be retirees, and employees 401K's. But anyone in these positions know this to be untrue. The value of retirement funds have dwindled to virtually nothing- of course the housing bubble bursting in 2007-08 and the attendant bailout is blamed. The fact is that it's all part of the globalist plan. The bailout money went as bonuses to Wall Street bankers and CEO's. Currently, the American economy is based on debt being created out of fiat currency... a bubble that when it bursts will leave nothing behind. Meanwhile,the wealth is being funneled to the top 10% at an alarming rate and it looks like the American Middle Class, the foundation of our society, is doomed.



GIF by @papa-pepper


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