One of Our Small Businesses at Crescendo of Peace – - Part 2

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___ . . . Continued from Part 1___

Welcome back to the ongoing saga of our adventure into the world of structured water, what it can do for us, and why it is so important to me to do my part to get this technology into the hands of everyone who can benefit from it.

Disclaimer: I can make no health claims for the use of structured water, from our unit or another, both because it is illegal for me to do so, and because, in the end, we are all different, and what benefits one person may not benefit the next. The human body is an amazing and sometimes contrary beast.

I can tell you without question that using structured water has improved my health and well-being, and that of my plants and animals, it has helped the people to whom we have given units, and those who have purchased units from us. I believe that it is highly possible, though in no way guaranteed, that you may achieve similar results.

Part 2:

Growing pains and mishaps aside, we were both impressed enough with the effects we were getting, which were consistent with claims made by the structured water companies we had been following, that Marek decided he wanted this to be part of our business, and I decided that I wanted it to be a big part of how we do good in the world.

Thus was born, which started out as a for-benefit company before I even knew that such a thing existed. In short, for every unit we sell, a second identical unit is donated to a person or family in need, which we have done from the start, beginning in February 2016.

Part of my reasoning is that, among the more exciting and unusual claims for structured water, is the claim, made by several companies, that structured water can cure cancer and other potentially life-threatening illnesses. Since we had several friends already diagnosed with cancer of varying types, it seemed logical to give them units to test for themselves, and to see if the water really helped them.

While we have yet to see any miraculous cures among our friends, what we have seen is that their health stabilized, and that their sometimes precipitous declines in immune function were slowed, sometimes drastically, allowing them to maintain a better quality of life for far longer than originally expected. I'll take it.

Structured water appears to have some unique properties, among which is higher oxygen levels, and possibly even a higher oxygen-holding capacity. This may account for reports that structured water kills pathogenic bacteria, as most pathogens tend to be anaerobic, meaning that they thrive in low-oxygen environments, whereas beneficial bacteria tend to be aerobic, or oxygen-loving.

In addition, there are reports that structuring water may change the angle of the hydrogen bond, which may account for at least some of its effects, as that may possibly create free hydrogen among the cells, as has been suggested by some companies.

While Dr.Pollack notes that pure EZ water is gel-like and thick, and flows like honey, my own theory is that by structuring water, while we are only structuring a tiny portion of it with each pass through the device, that tiny among is enough to create profound changes in how, and how efficiently, the water is used by the cells. Clearly a great deal more research needs to be done in this area.

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For homesteaders, pet owners and ranchers, among the effects reported in animals potentially include lower mortality rates. A commercial chicken hatchery, that switched to watering their chicks with structured water, saw an immediate reduction in chick mortality of 20%.

Even for those of us with small flocks, this is huge, as the loss of any animal is the loss not only of money, but of time and resources spent, which are precious. It is also just sad when we lose animals to any cause.

A dairy farm that switched to structured water saw an immediate increase in the amount of milk given, and in the quality of the milk. I don't recall the precise figure in this particular case, but it was a noticeable difference, which would translate to more money for the farmer, whether from the increased amount of milk, or from the faster growth of the calf for beef breeds, if left with its mother to nurse. Win/win, either way.

Finally, a large strawberry farm in California reportedly switched to structured water for watering one of its under-producing fields. The field quickly became one of its most productive, and the Brix levels (which measure both sugar levels and overall nutritional levels) of the strawberries in this field grew to be among the highest on the farm.

For those for whom microgreens are an income stream, or simply an efficient way to feed your family and livestock, rather than a full week for sunflower microgreens, they can be ready for market in three or four days. Similar time savings, and increased health and vitality of the plants, can be seen with starting seed and cuttings, leading once more to greater productivity and profits.

It is perhaps fitting that I am writing this on Earth Day, as if fully utilized, this technology could eliminate or at least drastically reduce the need for most chemicals and antibiotics in livestock feedlot operations.

Far more research needs to be done, but in the meantime, I will continue with my own informal small-scale experiments, and will report on my findings as they occur.

Dr. Pollack is also frequently misquoted by these companies, and/or his comments are taken out of context, which I discovered when he was kind enough to speak with me off the record, some months later. In addition to being highly knowledgeable, and an excellent researcher, he is also a very nice man, and frequently quite funny.

Clearly I need to speak with him again, hopefully on the record this time, and I will keep you posted on any updates there as well.

So is our structured water unit the only way you can enjoy the benefits of structured water? No, and I'd be lying if I said otherwise. Personal integrity is important to me, was even as a kid, and according to my mom, I got in a lot more trouble for telling the truth at inopportune times than I ever did for lying. ;-)

Water is naturally structured by our amazing planet all over the world all the time. I've already mentioned that the water in our cells, and those of pants, is naturally structured, which is one of the reasons why freshly squeezed and/or expressed vegetable and fruit juices have so many health-giving properties. In addition to all the naturally occurring nutrients, the water is naturally structured, thus delivering the nutrients to your cells far more efficiently.

Water is also naturally structured by streams, rivers, springs and waterfalls, which is one of the primary reasons why water at the base of waterfalls has long been known as among the most health-giving. Similarly, the "miracle" healing water of Lourdes, and other sites around the world noted for their healing qualities, is naturally structured.

Finally, one of the ways in which most water in the world is structured is by exposure to the sun, and that includes the water in plant cells, through photosynthesis, and in our own cells. This is one of the reasons why sunbathing is so very relaxing, and why, as long as you are careful to avoid a sunburn, it aids in relieving stress and promoting better health . . . because the water in our bodies is being structured on a cellular level.

And yes, I take advantage of each and every one of these methods, in addition to our structured water units. As should you.

From a business standpoint, Marek and I have been bootstrapping this business for the past couple of years, and while we have managed to make substantial progress in spite of it, our fundraising efforts have so far gone nowhere.

We have attempted a couple of times to raise funds through IndieGogo, to fund an initial production run, streamline our processes, improve our casing and hopefully hire a couple of people in the process, but no.

Lots of interest; very few paying backers.

So you can ignore completely the outdated IndieGogo mentions on our website. I will most likely not be using them again.

This left me doubly frustrated during our government's virtual abandonment of the people of Puerto Rico, following the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Maria, both because of my own deep love for the island and its people, and because I knew our units could help a large number of people, but we simply didn't have the financing available to make it happen. Damn and double damn.

We will be trying again to raise funds for a production run in the near future, so if this project intrigues or resonates with you, and you would like to see this technology become much more widely available, we invite you to become involved and to help us to get the word out.

We do have a website, although it is woefully out of date . . . from too much time spent on Steemit, perhaps? ;-)

One of the primary changes is the price of our units, due to an increase in the cost of materials with which to make them, which for the personal portable unit is now $175, plus shipping, which is $10 within the continental U.S.

Shipping outside the continental United States will obviously be more expensive, though we charge only what the shipping companies charge us, and do not make money on shipping.

What has not changed is that, for that small price, we will still donate a unit to someone in need for every unit we sell, which we will continue to do for as long as we are producing them.

That is a promise.

We still have a substantial waiting list for units, and I would very much like to see that waiting list retired, with everyone on the list having received the unit they needed.

Thank you for your time and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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If you enjoyed this post, please Upvote and Resteem it to share with others!
And I would love to hear your take in the comments.

Some of my recent posts:

One of Our Small Businesses at Crescendo of Peace – - Part 1
Goaty Boys Are Mad – Day 98 – Daily Haiku
Fireflies in the Woods – Day 97 – Daily Haiku
Hummingbirds Are Here – Day 96 – Daily Haiku
The Dark Before the Dawn – Original Poetry
White Kitty, Patient – Day 95 – Daily Haiku
Our Timid Kitty – Day 94 – Daily Haiku
Our River is High - Day 93 - Daily Haiku
Writing Letters – Original Poetry
Five Minute Freewrite - Day 1 - writing prompt - Sugar Bowl
April Showers May - Day 92 - Daily Haiku



art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

If you feel my posts are undervalued, and/or you want to
donate to tip me, I would appreciate it very much.

In the process, you will be helping our small organic farm to operate,
to help others, and to feed and house all our animals better. Thank you!

20140126 1907d - Cohorts Lolo and Miod.jpg

Bitcoin (BTC) – 37Z9UabFyygFYXMoChifdCkyFgPJtKwXRj
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) – qq5p7dkr9239u6fer98lyc3cjvhcwcggzuxyde9mjp
Ethereum (ETH) - 0x731e363a4e6C680D47aFA63e4620342964a9d0Fb
LiteCoin (LTC) – MprMcJSAXKvtBouDQRSSk85qbms8ak3xDY

The following are a few affiliate links, to companies we really
believe in, that will further help us to operate, to help others,
and to care for and feed our animals.

If you have any interest in becoming affiliated with these companies,
which may bring you additional income, please contact me,
and perhaps we can work together!

Dr. Al Sears, well known anti-aging doctor, with his first-class
line of supplements that actually work:

Melaleuca, a company that has been making natural, eco-friendly
products since the 1980s, that not only work as well as
chemically laden versions from the supermarket,
but are safer, and typically save money overall in addition.

I was introduced to them by a co-worker in 1990, lost track
of them, and was thrilled to find them again about a year
and a half ago. I strongly recommend their products.

Prime My Body offers a nanoenhanced hemp-based CBD oil
that is legal in all 50 United States, and clinically proven to be
absorbed 3X better than the leading pharmaceutical brand.
I have used it on myself and my animals with excellent results.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate yourself,
check out this link:

All words and images are my own.

The AquaTrust logo and the Water is Sacred meme were created by me using Inkscape, with input from Marek, for our company and website,

The photo of our dog, Lolo, and our late cat, Miod, I took as they were cooperatively begging at the dinner table, despite our longstanding rule of not feeding them from the table.

You can see how much that deterred them both.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work otherwise, as all rights are reserved.

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