A collection of special posts from the @ecoTrain Magazine! 8th March

Welcome back to a very special collection of posts from our @ecoTrain passengers. The ecoTrain is here to support and promote excellent posts that are based on the theme of

"Things that make the world a better place".

We have a very diverse group of amazing people writing about all sorts of things. If you find it hard to discover good new posts then this is your lucky day!


Immerse Yourself In Nature - Original Painting

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
― Albert Einstein


Are We Making Progress?

Are you Awake?

We all walk around with our eyes opened, navigating our way as best we can.Most of us follow a routine everyday. We get up, wash, have some food and get to work. Maybe not in that exact order, but we do all work in some way or another. Whether it is in our home, away from home, on our land.

This becomes our life, our way of life.

Our lives can seem really full, full of purpose,with endless lists waiting to be completed. Having to prioritize in order to get it all done. We are all striving towards a better way of life, a better quality of life. And if we have already got there then we have to work to maintain it.

We all get wrapped up in our lives, we only really have this one,for now anyhow, so it's all about making the most of it. Isn't it?
No matter where you are right now, you want to be happy, to be fulfilled. I know that I do. I know that I like to move forward, to keep making progress.

Lets Welcome Some New Steemians

Steemit is such an amazing platform that has created a huge global community.

It continues to bring together so many different people from all over the world, from all different walks of life.

It is a true representative of the great diversity we have on this great planet.

I continue to learn so much from everyone's blogs and to be truly inspired.

It has had such a huge positive impact on my life.

Connecting me with so many amazing people .

Sacred Circle:Celebrating Women

When I was living in Ireland, I attended an event that changed my life. I was invited to attend a wise woman's gathering, it was open to both men and women but was being led by 4 women living in Ireland. They were women who we would identify as being wise in that they have lived full lives and had a desire to reach out to other people and share what they had learned. They all shared a common goal and that was in bringing people together.

They each spoke about their lives, one woman had a great knowledge of herbal medicine, another woman was a activist, another was very involved in celebrating the Seasons, the Celtic Celebrations, another Woman spoke about the changes she has seen happen in communities and families. There was a lot of time for questions to be asked and for discussions to take place. It was a very inspiring event and along with my friends we felt that is would be a great idea to set up a woman's circle where we lived.


The Road to Love ~ My Entry ~ Nth Society writing competition - imagine the world


I tell random people, I meet on my way, that they must stop thinking 3D and strive for 5D consciousness - cos 'til then we are all doomed. Earth is morally bankrupt as people continue to be used and things loved – this is 3D mentality with glitterballs!

Some while back I sold my house and transport and gave away most of my possessions. I realised that I was afraid of someone or some circumstance robbing me of my material wealth. I concluded that the easiest way to quell my fear was to voluntarily let it go before some government initiative or slick eyed shyster swindled me out of it all - or worse, held a shotgun to my head and randomly rearranged my grey matter into a crimson mulch.


Take Action: 💕🌺🌸💕Earth is Beautiful.💕🌺🌸💕 Collaborative Art Journey..."TAKE ACTION" No. 34


Collaboration in action

I have always considered ART as a perfect medium. The one which can say more than any words can say. Therefore, I try to use Art to illustrate topics which are great importance to me personally and to the World at large. I couldn't ignore @everlove's calling to join and play Collaborative Art Journey..."TAKE ACTION" No. 34 with such a great theme: Take Action.


As I continue to use @moneyinfant's guide to writing contest's to find interesting challenges from all across the steem blockchain, I am sometimes surprised by what I find myself up to. Such is the case with @anjkara's Six Word Story Contest; I spent a very long time considering different topics and then even longer considering each of the words, and two especially.

With only six words, the image that one uses is very important. So I set off to take the perfect picture for my story. My six word story, which included sheep, as in plural animals. Luckily I have just the two up on the farm.



"What's for Lunch?" Healthy Recipe Series #15 - Strawberry and Tofeta Salad

I just had a salad for lunch - plain, boring, and green. Even with the addition of fresh snap peas and crumbled feta cheese, I figured there had to be a better way to make a tasty and colorful salad! So I turned to my favorite cookbook - Vegan Cooking for Carnivores - and thumbed through the pages until I found this delicious looking Strawberry and Tofeta Salad!

Zero Hunger Writing Challenge - Why I used to hate questions like this and how I turned that dislike into positive personal action!

A few days ago, @livesustainably asked some pretty tough questions for the Zero Hunger Writing Challenge, including:

"How would you go about solving the hunger problems in our world? Would you attack the excess? Would you focus on growing? How can we supply the variety of foods that consumers demand, or should we be educating about seasonality?" ~ Original Article


Live Wide Open: A Trip to Bolivia

My university was not my favorite place. It was very dry academically, incredibly misogynistic, and super conservative. One of the few good things about it was the mini-semester we had in January. It was an opportunity to do interesting, out of the box, creative activities. My favorite was the winter term in Service. Now I know the image you may have in your head of the college girl do-gooder. I gotta say some of that is true. My desires and intentions were good, though, and we had an awesome anthropology professor who drilled our privilege and how to not act like assholes into us.


Something to Think About- Issue #4: A Selection of Amazing and Enjoyable Curated Posts

I am back with the fifth issue of Something to Think About. This venture has given me a chance to really dig for meaningful, enjoyable, entertaining and important posts related to different areas, subjects and aspects. A post need not be too meaty or full of heavy advice for me to enjoy it and add it in my curation post; if I find even a single meaningful thing in it and it feels good to me, I add it to my curation post. This is why my curated posts offer a lot of variety. This time, I have curated 6 amazing posts that are quite interesting and as always I have tried to be as diverse possible. Hope you enjoy this issue too.

Also, if you know of someone especially a newbie who is doing great work here but is going unnoticed, do let me know about him/ her.

After Deep Darkness Comes a Beautiful Dawn...

The title of this post is inspired by a quote by Henry Ford (I have shared it below) which is another quote that I have fallen in love with recently.

You may have noticed that I have been sharing great quotes with my analysis on them recently. I happened to do a quotes based book for a client a week back and had to dig some meaningful quotes for the project. I found some amazing ones and as I wrote about them, they helped me learn a lot of things and it was then that I decided to share my findings with you guys here. So here I am with another beautiful quote and my take on it.


Healhy Spring Diet : Harvest and Use Weeds (Burdock & Yellow Dock) to Welcome in the Spring

As we approach the Equinox we are called to cleanse and restore.

The winter and its necessary quiet time allows for slowing down and for ample rest. With this also comes stagnation. Come spring we (as all creatures) eat and drink foods that invite and support the body to let go of winter's stagnation as the days lengthen and activity increases. Here's an easy and free way to ally with locally growing herbs (commonly known as weeds) to sync up with natural rhythms and processes.

The Log Cabin | Original Homestead Building

The log cabin represent the archetypal pioneer or homesteading structure. For most of us it conjures up romantic images and notions of simpler times.

This style of building predates industrial building practices and fully represents the Do-It-Yourself lifestyle. It is one of the best known natural building styles and is hard to separate log cabins and early European inhabitations in North America. Jacob Wolf was a merchant, builder of log structures, carpenter, and blacksmith. He was elected as a representative to the General Assembly of Arkansas Territory in 1826. The two-story dogtrot structure was constructed by Jacob Wolf in 1829 as the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory. The Wolf House sits in present-day Norfork (Baxter County) above where the White and Norfork rivers meet. The building served thousands of early settlers finding their way into the central highlands of north Arkansas. People from the surrounding area would set up temporary quarters on the grounds to socialize and participate in their favorite activities while court was in session. Notably, John P. Houston, brother of American legend Sam Houston, served as a county clerk in this courthouse. The site was used as a river port, center of trade, and as a seat of justice.

Why We Homestead | Through Thick & Thin

Our homesteading journey hasn't always been easy. We've lived without running water (not even to mention hot running water or a shower) for 2 years and have built everything on the land ourselves (with help from some friends).

The wood heated tub we used the first year to bathe in winter. Looks romantic, but it took 7 hours to heat up.



How are you?
I'm good.
What did you do today?
Anything that made you happy?
If so, tell me what it was.
If not, think of something that would make you happy,
and do it tomorrow.
(and tell me about it)
We are here to enjoy life,
happiness is our birthright.
The only sin you can commit,
is not to be happy.

p.s. I went for a walk and loved the earth with my feet
and felt Her love me back and that made me happy.

For you

To love life without restrictions
without supposed to's
without convictions,
without pretences,
shame, blame,
just like that.
Because the dark blue of the night sky
reminds me of you
and you are
all that
to me.

My gluten free, almost paleo breakfast


I recently learned that your stomach has prime time between 7 and 9 am. So that means it digests best at that time of day. People also say one should have breakfast like a king, lunch like a farmer and diner like a pauper. It never really made sense to me until I learned about the peak time of the stomach.
As my digestion could use some help I decided to have a good breakfast today, close enough to 9 o clock 😉


Supporting People Who Help
Make The World A Better Place

Discover previous ecoTrain magazines at @ecoTrain





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