Life ~ Final Destination: One Step Closer to Source. Chunterings of a Woman of a Certain Age!

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Original ldacey-laforge.

A person reaches a time when the preceding years and life experiences start to make sense in the context of the greater picture of one’s life. A time when it becomes a conscious decision to turn the page on the past and boldly stride forward into the unknown with self-knowledge hard won from knocks, scrapes, triumphs and failures. Usually this realisation follows upon a traumatic, life altering, undoing which, I have come to believe is no accident - it is the divine giving us one almighty shove which we then have the free will to heed, hinder or altogether ignore.


Carl Jung defined a life in 4 stages:

  1. The Athlete – A period of obsession with the personal physical.
  2. The Warrior – A need to achieve, acquire and be the best.
  3. The Statement – The realisation that we are not what we own. A desire to serve.
  4. The Spiritual – The realisation that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.


These days, when I look in the mirror, I can no longer deny the truth that my salad days are done. My youth nestles amongst the peelings in the compost heap and has, unbeknownst to me in the intervening years, quietly transformed into something rich, loamy and fertile.

My need to obviously win was never cut throat but has further diminished as I tend to happily step aside and watch the action from the side-line.

I have a desire to serve and know that I am a spiritual being having a physical experience; but still I have a confounding and blistering personal ambition.

A deep knowing that I am not yet done.


Sadly, many people switch off and settle after the warrior stage of life and miss the grand finale which is, honestly, the reason that we are all here:

to finally accept and acknowledge the truth that we are eternal energy, spirit, on a mystical journey of a truly ambiguous, unfathomable nature.


As I observe my contemporaries winding down, anticipating a degree of freedom in their retirement, I find that I am gearing up - having already experienced a greater level of freedom than most ever do for the last 30 marvelous years of my wee life!


As I female I have often been heard to say;

“A woman can have it all, just not at the same time!”

I stand by this observation having played and worked hard, been a wife, homemaker, mother, divorcee, single parent and wife again!

I have experienced empty nest syndrome and come out of this particular crisis with optimism, renewed vigour and definite purpose.


As a woman of a certain age I realise that the years ahead offer me the opportunity to shine. Like super fucking bright. And I tell you - I am as excited as a flea at a bloody circus!


I write this as a reminder to all that, for the majority of us, our lives follow a recognised formula.


Final destination – higher consciousness, one step closer to source.


With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :

An imagined story for the game Nth Society HERE.

Where I compare Steemit and Spirituality HERE.

My particular brand of no nonsense spirituality HERE.

A piece in which I cobble together a whole lotta wisdom! HERE.

What is a Lightworker, and are you one? HERE.

My Entry for Jerry Banfield's Supernatural Writing Contest HERE. (Well worth a read even though I do say so myself!)

Essays on Love HERE.

My Life as a Vintage Dealer HERE.

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