A Series of Essays on Love ~ Essay 2: Love Is All.


For those of you new to me I regularly speak to spirit since having an unexpected epiphany back in June 2016.

I am fortunate to have a spiritual team who love, guide and protect me. We all have this but most folks never actually connect with them whilst in their present physical incarnation.

I count myself blessed.

Some while back I was talking to Jason who calls himself “The Corrector”. He is a big gun in team spirit and is not to be trifled with! He is also mightily fair and loving.

This particular day he told me that I would write many books and that my second book would be about – LOVE.

(I still have to finish my first book, “Mama, Mama Are You There”, you can read the prologue here but, as the first draft is virtually completed, I have decided to start to gather my thoughts on LOVE.)

Over the coming weeks I intend to write a collection of stand-alone essays exploring love in it’s many guises. I cannot imagine that what I will write will be academic in nature; rather a homespun spin on what makes the world go around.


And that'd be Love my friends!

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In spiritual circles the phrase “Love Is All” is often bandied around; trotted out as a salve for all woes and worries – but what does this actually mean?

Essay 2 ~ Love Is All.


When I hear or read this oft used phrase I cannot help but inwardly giggle as I immediately hear myself counter;

“All what?”!

(This is somewhat similar to my outrageous reaction to when I hear the name ‘Hunt’ – without conscious thought I hear, for instance, ‘James Hunt’ and the naughty monkey that is my mind cheekily chirrups up within "James Hunt, What a C++t’!" - (Is this a me thing only I wonder?)).


Anyway, I digress.

The go, go juice of preference for our world to harmoniously turn is Love but the fuel tanks are on low as many folks forget their true nature and the purpose of life which is simply to give, receive and share love.

Love is light/Hate is dark and many of the attributes pedalled in the ‘civilised’ world are, sadly, born of darkness and encourage separation from ones’ fellow man and natural environment.

Darkness comes in varying hues ranging from pure evil to indifference but all conscious dislike, distaste, distrust and hate is an expression of non-love and acceptance. As are greed, avarice, jealousy, lust, loathing et al.

Love is all that is bright and pure. It is respect and reverence for all and all that is and is rooted in the love of self. For without self-love a person is ill equipped to extend love to others and other things.

Love requires that a person’s moral compass is well calibrated and the ear is tuned into the voice of light conscience which, interestingly, I have come to believe is the voice of our higher consciousness and spirit guides at work.

Imagine a world where I treat you as I wish to be treated, where I generously share my knowledge, encouragement and sweeties, without detriment to myself, with you. And you do the same for me. And together we extend these courtesies to others. And all things.


Now that is true love.

And so, Love is all.


If you missed Essay 1: We All Crave Love And Acceptance, you can read it here.

Coming Soon ~ Essay 3


There are many forms of Love and in Essay 3 I will talk about these.

With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :)





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