Should parents set a minimum age or some restrictions for their children to own a smartphone? πŸ“΅πŸ“΅ - EcoTrain QOTW

This is one burning issue of the current age. Mobile phones use restriction is not only for Children but also for adults, but yes it's a critical issue for children..

Parents think mobile phones are a key necessity for children. I will not say its a necessity, I can say its more of a convinience.
This is my personal opinion tbat the children should be given mobile phones at an age of 13 or 14. Which also is not a necessity.

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20 years back if we look back there were no mobile phones and children did perfectly fine without them. They went for tuitions without phones, they completed their projects without phones, they went for birthday parties, school picnics, holidays with families all without mobile phones and did perfectly fine. Hence to an extent I believe that it is perfectly ok if children are not given mobile phones.
But what we see today is a competition amongst children of who owns the best phone. Its become a status quo for the children.
We see almost every child with a hi-tech phone.

To an extent whatever we believe but at a majority level it has become inevitable. So then atleast the Parents should feel responsible to what they are providing their children with. If they have provided phones to their children they should be in complete control of it. They should keep doing random checks on the photo gallery, videos, chats, websites visited history, games they play, etc to keep a track of what their child is upto.Games like BlueWhale can completly destroy your child.
When a child has a lock on the phone, this should ring a bell. Why do they need locks, if they have nothing to hide. Parents should observe how much their children are using their phones. If they are all the time hunged onto it, it's not a good sign.

I am not even talking about all the health problems that are being invited for your child by using mobile phones. Those are some more serious issues that parents need to consider.

I am not against children using phones but when parents become careless that's the problem.
I gave my son a mobile phone at an age of 12, as all children he was also on my head to get one.
So we made a deal. I got a basic phone for him, from which only phone calls and sms were possible and we had an agreement that he has to use it for minimum 2 years.

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Children learn most of the things and get into habits observing and following Parents, it becomes important for parents to set right examples. Parents should themselves avoid using phones during family conversations, meal times, outings, movies, while driving; cause when children see them using phones all the time they feel it's perfectly ok for them to behave the same.

Other very amusing thing I see is parents giving mobile phones to infants and toddlers to keep them occupied. To this I personally feel its a shame on such parents that they do not have constructive time for their little babies.

I am not against Children using mobile phones, they can be very important learning aid but the most important thing is having a complete control over the use. Personally I feel age of 13 to 14 is right age to give mobile phones to children. Till then patents can always be supportive by lending their phones if they would need for any use. Specially during family vacations, meal times and study times mobile phones should be a strict no.
Mobile phones if use in the right manner can be a very helpful tool.

Our children are our responsibility and we need to be very cautious about their every move.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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