My Daily Quiet time

Some years back when I was completely engrossed in my corporate world and was not at my very best, I was reaching out for help to many to find that peace within. At that time one of the holistic healer that I was working with asked me. "Do you spend your daily Quiet Time" and I was kind of amused, and my instant reply was Yes I do, so she again asked me, So how is it that you spend your quiet time, to which I responded to her that I read, I listen to music, I spend time on internet, I like what I do and so on, to which she responded to me, "But all those are external stimulation's" what about your own Quiet Time and I was kind of speechless. then we had a good 2 hour conversation around it, those were the first days for me coming to a state of realization. All of this came to me very late in life but I am glad that I could find my path......

I learned a lot in those days, and also the importance of my Quiet time, which I feel plays the most important role in my daily routine. We humans have been destroying the nature, the eco-system and lot more around us, but the worst is that we have not even spared our own selves. The fast age has been very well working on us destroying our inner selves and the subtle aspects within us. Even without being aware we are losing ourselves, losing our ability to understand what is important for us. We function more as automated machines driven by speed and urgency of the world.

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Imagine if we can bring a stillness in this fast pace, a time of stillness, reflection, solitude, privacy and personal reflection that honors our inner-self and allows us to wander within our own minds.
When I talk about Quiet time it is not the same as Meditation, In meditation you would be in a state of complete surrender where as in the Quiet time you will be in a state of reflection and contemplation. A quiet time can be between 2 activities or at several intervals in the day or at the end of the day. I prefer at the end of the day in my space my time of reflection and contemplation. A time when I review my day's activities and see which were the moments where I was strong, weak, my reactions to situations. A lot of time I realize that I am messed up in my reactions and then I write down my thoughts in my diary. I have dedicated a space to be with myself and I feel a lot of difference when everyday I spend this lone time with myself in one place rather that being all over the house and absolutely no disturbance including any sort of soft music or any external stimulation because that will again take away a part of me. I enjoy being confronted and exposed to my own-self.

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The rule of this Quiet time is all gadgets away and away from all other addictions. Removing this time around half an hour a day to do nothing at all, including not checking phones and gifting this time to ourselves sounds as easy but to implement takes a lot of effort. But I love this time, I realize a lot of things that I should have done or not done or done it better in my time of reflection. Even conversations with people I realize my behavior, I am able to confront my self without any judgement or being harsh to my own-self. It's a time of reflection through which I can become a better person. The benefit I see with this time is that there is also a boost in my creative capacity.

You can try it out for a week and see for yourself the miraculous results, developing new habits always takes some time but with determination anything is possible.

On a lighter note, at times when I am sitting just with myself in my space doing nothing and I kind of end up staring at something so my husband tells me, You have gone completely crazyπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

"Only in quiet waters do thing mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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The 4000 Years Old Cypress Tree
The significance of Surya Namaskar
The Little Wonders of Life

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