Who is @SashaGenji?: a women-traveller and writings with heART. Re-introduction and my #ecoTrain journey


The most difficult question one can ask

I believe the question: “Who am I?” is one of the most difficult questions. I personally never found it easy to answer it. Well, how can I describe in detail who am I? What criteria should I use? Can I answer it at all or do I have a sort of illusion on who I really am? It seems to me that any person has so many different layers, directions in which he/she develops, that it is difficult to put it one concept which will be able to give the reader a full understanding.

Can we stop for a while? Do I really the same any particular moment? No, I guess I am not. In my vision of the world, a person is an endless variation of what he/she might be and what they think important in their lives. And this picture can change from time to time as we all grow and developing in multiple dimensions each second. Therefore, the avatar, which I choose when I first registered on Steemit - an image of a woman who cares about a lot of things and who tries to live in the colorful flow of Life - is, perhaps, my most profound answer to the question.


(с) @SashaGenji.


Writing with HEart or heART

This, perhaps, is one more thing you should also know about Sasha Genji. I write from the heart. It is a difficult for me to create posts which do not have a personal meaning or I do not feel them as the ones which represent certain idea I have. Writing is a way to express my visions, my beliefs and to share it to the World. Therefore I want to laugh, cry, hold my breath, release it after a while, cry again or smile again putting it in the worlds, images, quotes… I would love the person reading my articles feel the same - maybe he/she can smile, cry, hold their breath or have goosebumps - it is what important to me. Emotions and feeling of a reader, his/her thought after he/she finished to read an article for me are the real indicators of a writer’s success. I believe it is hard to trick your emotions or feelings - they either exist or not, there is nothing in the middle. Emotions show us where the truth is, where something important is hidden with a subtle proposal to possibility to think and learn from it.

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(с)@SashaGenji. Labeled for reuse

I use the same method to find people who I resonate with me both in Life and Steemit. When I read articles on Steemit I vote and leave comments on the post which touched something in me, which made me smile or feel sad, or I am sitting for a while trying to grasp the whole sense of what I just have read, the ones I need to take time to re-read to find more meaning. I believe this is the gems of posts where people were able to connect with their hearts first and then transmit the information into the words.

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(с)”We all different but we are one” @SashaGenji. One the collage I did as a part of competition trying to explain what is Steemit and the new movement Steemitism it creates. Labeled for reuse

heART is also ART. My life would be empty without ART. This is natural way for me expressing things I can’t really express in worlds. From my childhood I found art in different forms being my medium to communicate better with the world and people around me. For me ART is the language to use when words are simply not enough. And I use it a lot to stress out some important ideas, to reach new levels of people’s understanding. I believe that ART is the language that speaks directly to your Soul and I am very happy than I can create somethings what resonates with people’s Souls.

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(с) @SashaGenji. Labeled for reuse


A game called Life

I'm a player. I play a Game called Life and I am fully enjoying it. I am a spiritual seeker. Being just 33 years old it seems I have lived so much that some do not live until their old age or do not come at all.

I bear the proud title of " being born in the USSR." When I was born my country was building an ideal society called communism with so-called equal rights which turned to be just a sweet lie in the end. The baby boom in Russia had its highest rate when I decided to show up in this world so it also affected my life a little bit. In the absolutely “equal” society, you still have to be “the best of the best” as this is the way people look at you. So I really tried hard to succeed in being one of the best first in my school, the University, then at work. It really took me a lot of efforts afterward to stop trying to be ‘the best of the best” and be just me.

At the same time, there was always a different level of my life, the one which I knew more important but the one no-one in USSR would dare to speak much about. My grand-grandmother was a healer, my aunt used energy and herbs to cope with different problems. My parents had friends who visited Ashrams in India, sacred places in Russia, who sees what other people do not see. I remember being treated by an old lady who without any medications would ease my pain or cure my shoulder just by making one movement. The first spiritual book I read was “The karma Diagnosis” and it wasn’t a printed version - it was the version my parents got from their friend written in handwriting in a notebook. After what it were Anastasia(The Ringing Cedars of Russia #1) book series I read.

So, spiritual world was present in my life from the very young age. At the same time, my biggest discoveries and understandings were waiting for me in Saint-Petersburg - the city where I went to study Economy. In total, I have lived there almost 10 years and I believe I got so many interesting experiences and met fantastic people. In Russia, we say that Moscow is a city to make money and Saint-Petersburg is a cultural capital. For me, it was also a spiritual Mekka.

Living there I tried so many practices and techniques - astrology, psychology, rebreathing technique, past lives regressions, healing with energy and color, women energy healing, Mer-Ka-Ba and many more. I have visited so many sacral places and met some many spiritual people all over the world. Yet, after I did it all I came to one surprisingly simple truth - everything is in me, all the answers exist if I listen to myself. And all I learned were just tools to quiet my mind and be more connected to who I really am.


(с) @SashaGenji. One of the works created as part of Collaborative Art Jorney initiated by @everlove. Labeled for reuse


The world around

It's hard for me to say when my amazing connection with the Earth was born. Was it in my childhood, when I could spend hours working in the garden with my father and my grandmother?

Or it was a time when I started to open a spiritual world’s door and understood that everything l is connected to each other - that there is no separation between me and the world around?I think both. It's that they were just different levels again.


(с)@SashaGenji. Labeled for reuse.

My grandmother lived in a remote Russian village, where I spent all summer. I learned the first basics of harmonious interaction with the Earth, where there is nothing superfluous, everything is used for its intended purpose and the Earth is called the Mother-Earth and treated with respect. If we add Slavic traditions that are still alive and we still celebrate them it is not difficult to understand why the connection to Earth and its forces is a norm for me.

During my travels, I probably got more into this concept. First, I met so many fantastic people who shared the same vision and shared their knowledge with me how to live in harmony with the World around. Second, going through different countries and facing the same - mountains of garbage, ignorance of the problems that exist, with the world where money rules, over despair and seemingly hopelessness in consciousness, the thought flashed in my mind and never changed: “You can change it.”

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples
Mother Teresa

We all can do our best, we all can make changes even if they are on micro-level. And here I am, I am constantly using Steemit as a platform to promote the very same idea, so people can hear it out and think about it and maybe start doing their small steps to a better world.

Looking back, I look at how many people I met, how many of them listened and accepted each in their measure a philosophy of harmonious coexistence with the Earth and care for it. I look at the number of trees that we planted with these people around the world and keep doing it. I look at the organic seeds shares I do while traveling. I look on some many projects which I volunteered, contributed so little what I had or made a small impact in form of digital presence or a college. When I look on all of this I smile because for me this is the proof that philosophy of "small steps" can manifest in the reality. All you need to do is - TO DO WHAT YOU CAN, just a little every day and the world will change in front of your eyes.

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(с) @SashaGenji. Labeled for reuse


Women of the world unite

Probably women and women's communities are again an integral part of my life. I do not cease to amaze at how the Universe brings a new Soul Sister to me. Sometimes this meeting gives an opportunity for a new cooperation to be born, in some situations helps each of us to realize something for ourselves or experience a role an assistant, friend, healer ... The World of Women is a special world and I see in it a great way to heal this World and ourselves. So I constantly blog about the Power of a Women and the role of Women in the world.

We’ve heard a lot about the Internet of Things – I think we need an Internet of Women.
Sheryl Sandberg

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(с) @SashaGenji. Labeled for reuse


The main thing in lIfe is people who surround you.

I went to a lot of countries during past few years and whenever I travel I more and more value one simple principle - the main thing in life is the people that surround you. Where would I be, if there were no people who supported me at every step of my journey?

I do not think that I would go so far in my spiritual quests if it were not for the people who shared it with me, guided me and supported along the way.

I certainly would not have learned so much about plants, animals, new methods of gardening if it were not for those people who shared and keep sharing this knowledge with me.


@Ecotrain - the wonderful community of people who help to make a world a better place

I attribute my success at Steemit to the people who surround and support me. Steemit at large and @ecoTrain, in particular, became my second home, where I come in order to learn new things, get support, look deeper into myself, to think how to answer for the question of the week - an initiative where we answer different and important questions each from our own perspective. This is the world of my people, the place where I want to return again and again.

I do not believe in coincidence. I believe that everything has its own reason. I remember that on one day after spending for about 2 months on Steemit I thought that it would be good to find like-minded people now only in my life but on Steemit as well. And shortly thereafter, I saw a post from @eco-alex with a proposal to write an article and get an opportunity to become a passenger of @ecoTrain.

Now writing these lines, I smile. Back when all I knew bout @eco-alex was this guy build Earthships that run using sustainable resources and that it was insanely interesting to me personally and I just seized the opportunity. “I will see where it will lead me” -I thought. Life as always began to reveal its miracles in front of me and since I joined #ecoTrain fantastic people began to enter my Steemit life one by one. Check #ecoTrain to see them yourself.

#ecoTrain changes: some people go out some new people joining but I guess I can say that we all grow together. Every day I learn something new whether it is how to Be You for You or how to turn waste into fuelor Learn the Qi Gong

Every day I discover the world where a common dream of making a world a better place lives and florist.

And each day I send the Universe my gratitude for giving me space where I can do my small steps to grow the common dream in a community of wonderful people.

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(с) @SashaGenji. Labeled for reuse

With love,

Sasha Genji



@ecotrain #ecotrain

I support @ecotrain project, which also use #ecotrain. I want to believe that more and more people will start to think about things that help to make the world a better place. (с)@ecotrain. I also hope that more and more writers on Steemit will support the movement started by @eco-alex and @icmultitudes . As I truly believe that we are one and helping others means you are helping yourself.
@ecoTrain Magazine - read a selection of quality post about ART, COMMUNITY, NATURE, WISDOM and more)

See what's Hot, plus the @ecoTrain reintroduce themselves. Come and get to know some great people!


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