Happy International Mother Language Day (21 February) with Kids and Planning to Go Picnic With Our Special Kids.

Happy International Mother language Day.

Today is International Mother Language day which is celebrated world wide to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity. It was announced as International Mother Language day by UNESCO on 17 November, 1999.

Why 21 February is called International Mother Language Day?

In 1948, the Pakistan govt announced Urdu as sole national language of both East Bengal or East Pakistan (Present Bangladesh) and West Pakistan( Present Pakistan ). But East Bengal language was Bengali and thus majority of Bengali-speaking east Bengal people raised voice against the injustice and attack on its culture especially language. In every language, We call our mother with special sounds. In Bengali, we call our mother "MAA" "মা" . But when someone tell us not to call my mother with my own language, who will stay at home?

Students from Dhaka university, Dhaka Medical college, general people and different political activists came on the streets to protest the forced law by West Pakistan ruled govt. In 21 February, Govt announced curfew, outlawed public meetings and rallies to stop the language movement. People did not care and they raised voice for Bengali language as state language of East Bengal. The movement reached its climax once police killed student demonstrators on 21 February, 1952. Salam, Barkat, Rafiq , Jabbar and many other people was killed by police gun fire.

After years of conflict, central government compelled to grant official status to the Bengali language in 1956. Nowhere in the world, people sacrifice their lives for their own language before . And to give the honor of people who died for their own language , UNESCO announced 21 February as International Mother Language Day in 1999.

Today, I am with Children at @SchoolForSDG4

Today is National Holiday. But I wanted to organize the day to draw the Shaheed Minar which is national monument of Bangladesh. It was established to commemorate those killed during the Language Movement demonstrations of 1952 in then East Pakistan.

I invited some of the kids to participate in drawing completions. They were asked to draw Shaheed Minar and most of them did wonderful job.

I am little sick. But I loved to pass time with them. My left eyes got a problem. Perhaps I should use glass when I use computer at night. Well, Let me share what I am planning for the competition they participated.


I will ask you to vote for individual drawing and you will vote by comment

I will make post with all the drawing from @SchoolForSDG4 and supporters will choose the best drawing of The Shaheed Minar . The best number one vote will be considered as 1st place and following 2nd and 3rd places accordingly.



If I get time tonight ( it is already 2:29 Am while I am writing) then I will share their individual drawing and will ask for your vote. I want to give prize for best drawing and hope you as supporter can find best art work by our kids.

End Of This Chapter

Planning to go picnic with special kids

I am planning to go picnic with special kids of a Autistic school I am working with for few years. The school facilitate around 40 Autistic children by providing educational tools and resources. I love to support the kids a lot and thus I like to work for the school as volunteer since 2014 .

Recently I am invited to go with the kids in picnic and I am also thinking to join with the kids on Friday. Though, I have so many things to do at home and at @WomenEmpowerment. But I don't want to miss the smiles of the children.


Perhaps he will be happy to see me. We are planning to go Sylhet dreamland park but it can be changed according to our convenience. We need to rent a bus for them. I am so hopeful that we will able to arrange it on Friday.

N.B: By upvoting this post you are supporting me @Azizbd personally, not my charity @SchoolForSDG4

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