Meeting With Mothers at @SchoolForSDG4 and discussion about ChildAbuse

Dear steemians,

Today was monthly mothers meeting at @SchoolForSDG4 . We organize monthly mothers meeting ( Live on Facebook)every month to discuss different topics with them. We love to know their feedback and problem. The main objective of the program is to create awareness about child education among mothers and also discuss with them different social issues which are related to them.


Today we discussed Child Abuse and their safety-related things I read from @GirlBeforeMirror

Talk to your child about body safety now.

She explained how to teach our children about body parts. I also suggested our mothers about teaching their children "appropriate touch and inappropriate touch" and how to protect them from any kind of abuse. Many of the children in slum live alone without parents. Parents left the house in the early morning for work and the elder daughter take care younger ones. Sometimes children alone need to stay with mother or parents. So they face many uncomfortable situations.

A few days ago, I heard a news which not only shocked me but also made me angry a lot about my community people. A older man who is respected by many people in the local area is found a child abuser and it was discovered by some of my friends. Not only that, he was doing it for a long time with male children. The man was walking in front of me when my friend and I were avoiding to show respect as we normally to with older people.

Thousands of children and thousands of slum here. Who knows what happens in a room or other side but I thought it is rare. But I was wrong, many anti-social and unethical work going on in front of us. We don't want to make problem with people who have politically in power. Last few years, my family suffered a lot. I am lucky every time but who knows one day maybe! It is not worse and we want to spread the awareness and ensure human rights where we will feel matter. We can't do anything without proper information. I shared this issue with mothers today.


Today we also discussed our next day's lunch program and sports program for children. Tomorrow we will organize outdoor sports for children after a year. Last outdoor sports day was organized on 26th March 2017. 26th March is the independence day of Bangladesh. So we try to celebrate the day will some outdoor activities with the slum children. They are also excited to play games.

We also discussed with our garments trainees separately and offered gifts for regular participants of @WomenEmpowerment.


In the meeting, we mainly follow up last one month and evaluate 1-month activities of each child and discuss their improvement and progress. We suggested mother to care according to children merit and their personal interest while reading anything.

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N.B: By upvoting this post you are supporting me @Azizbd personally, not my charity @SchoolForSDG4

Please contact me @Azizbd for any information .

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