Children who Question Authority at School are DRUGGED (ie Ritalin) or otherwise squelched.

"Don't just teach your children to read ... Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything."

... George Carlin

What are the philosophies that children are picking up at school?

... conformity ... compliance ... and truth comes from authority.

"When you take the free will out of education, it turns into schooling."

... John Taylor Gatto

My family chose a "radical" education that produces FREE Human Beings instead of SLAVES.

image source

Real Education does NOT shut down questions!

{comic below} "Doctor, are you putting my daughter on Ritalin because she asks too many questions in school?"
"Another question like that and I'll put you on it too."

I'm sorry Doc! But I will continue to ask questions, and teach my children to do so too!

Perhaps the doctor should explain why Psychiatric ADDICTIVE Drugs are bad for adults when they are sold illegally on the streets, but suddenly they are considered good for small children when they are prescribed to make them more compliant at school!

See my article on Drugging Our Children:

DRUGS for KIDS -- If Your Child Has a Condition Know as "BEING A CHILD" the Answer is DRUGS (Parody)

Education should mean encouraging questions! But schools often shut curiosity down and simply want kids to sit still and shut up.

I want my child to ask questions! I expect them to be curious.

You can't get the right answers, unless you ask the right questions!

Also See My Article on How Schools Fail Our Kids:

How Schools FAIL So Many Children -- The "Animal School" Analogy


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