Part II: What's Up With School, Anyway? Insight into the game--What it would be like to be a FREE child--The Joys of Unlocking the Genius Within!

Greetings Steemians!!!

I am really passionate about children.  I believe that if we are to make great change in the world, we must first address our own thoughts, ideas and beliefs to find new perspective, so we can hold space  for empowered change for the children. 

This is the second part of my series about school.  (Part I).    For years I've been rethinking my relationship with children and have gained some insight on what it could be like to be a free child.  Education plays a huge role in all of life so our present school system is of great concern to me, as I feel it is holding our children back as it has been doing for generations.  Regardless of good intentions and wanting to be sure children are on the "right path", there are things to really consider if we want to raise healthy, conscious and empowered children.   I'd like to share with you "normal" aspects of school life that I perceive to be in contradiction to a free and inspired existence.  

 How Children Aren't Meant to be Treated:  


Thanks for tuning in.  I would be honored by your feedback.    

The following posts in this series will include:

If There Should Be a School - What That Could Look Like

Imagining a Life of Freedom

Empowering a New Generation

If you're interested in my life at the @gardenofeden and what a new, expansive world feels like, check out my introducemyself post.

Have a blessed day Steemians~~~go kiss your kids!

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