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Education For Charity Part3

Good evening steemians best friend in the whole world, in my previous post I was telling about my experience in providing education as charity to the people who need education around the neighborhood I live.
Two of my previous post is: (@resyiazhari/education-from-charity-part1)
The discuss about the literacy education, that I gave to the community education that still have not been able to read and write.
As for my second posting is: (@resyiazhari/education-for-charity-part2)
The discuss of educational equality, namely the education that I give to people dropping out of school, those who had failed to obtain a formal education can continue with the program A, B and C in the non-formal institutions.

This time I again want to give about the writings education for charity Part3, with the main focus is education life skills. Before I tell you anything I have done in providingsuch education, first I will explain what understanding, goals and objectives of education life skills.

The Concept Of Life Skills Education Programme
Life skills education programme or also called the life skills, as one of the flagship programs of the non-formal education promote entrepreneurial skills and capabilities for the community.

Theoretical Understanding
So many notions of life skills Education or life skills, both expressed by experts or bodies/institutions who have authority in the field of education, training and health. According to Broling (1989) "life skills is the interaction of a wide range of knowledge and skills that is very important is owned by someone so they can live independently." Broling group life skills into three groups namely prowess; life skills daily (daily living skill), personal/social life skills (personal/social skills) and life skills work (occupational skill).

Life skills daily (daily living skill), among others, include: management of personal needs. Personal financial management, management of private homes, security awareness, health awareness, management of food-nutrition, management of clothing, personal awareness as citizens, management of leisure, recreation, and environmental awareness.

Social life skills/personal (personal/social skills), among others, include: self awareness (interests, talents, skills, attitudes), confidence, communication with others, tolerance and caring in personal relationships, understanding, and problem solving, find and develop positive habits of the independence and leadership.

While included in the life skills work (occupational skill), include: jobs, skills, planning of work, preparation of job skills, training skills, mastery of the competencies, running something profession, awareness to master a range of skills, the ability to master and apply technology, designing and implementing process work, and produce goods and services.

The who (1997) gives the sense that life skills are the various skills/ability to be ableto adapt and behave positively, which allows someone able to deal with various demands and challenges in his life everyday in effective. Who classify life skills into five groups, namely: (1) skills to know themselves (self awareness) or personal skills (personal skills), (2) social skills (Social skills), (3) thinking skills (thingking of skill), (4) academic skills ( academic skill) and (5) the competence of honesty (Vocational skills).

**Understanding The Operational** Life skills education is primarily a educational efforts to improve the life skills of any society. The sense of life skills are the skills possessed by someone for daring to face the problems of life and the life of graceful without feeling depressed, then proactively and creatively seek and find a solution, so that finally was able to deal with it.

Operationally, the program life skills in education non formal elected four jensi namely:

  1. personal Skills (personal skills), which includes skills know yourself, rational thinking skills, and self-confidence.
  2. Social Skills (social skills), as do the skills of cooperation, bertenggang flavor, and social responsibility.
  3. Academic Skills (academic skill), such as proficiency in scientific thinking, research,and experiments with a scientific approach.
  4. the competence of the Polytechnic (vocational skill) skill is associated with a particular line of work in the community. As in the field of services (workshop, sewing sew), and the production of certain goods (livestock, agriculture, forestry).

The criteria, objectives and field of life skills education programs:
Criteria in implementing life skills education programs (Life Skills) must include:

  1. Excavation based on community characteristics and potential of the local area.
  2. development based on the results of the identification of the needs of the target group.
  3. Support from the local government.
  4. Prospective for growing and sustaining.
  5. The availability of the resource and technical infrastructures for the practice of skills are adequate.
  6. Have the support environment (companies, institutions, and others).
  7. Has the potential to obtain funding support from various sectors.
  8. the increase of competence-oriented skills sought.

As for goals rather than organizing the life skills education programme is as follows:

  1. A priority for the community ages 16-44 years that no school and not working.
  2. Comes from a poor family or not capable.
  3. Have specific interests and talents.

Areas Of Work
Outline areas that can be used as a reference in the development of life skills education program, among other things:
1. Extractive Production.
Extractive production namely learning that produces/produced a goods directly derived from nature, such as fisheries, forestry, and mining.
2. An Agricultural Production.
An agricultural production i.e. learning to cultivate the land for farming activities, such as: food crops, vegetables, flowers and fruits, as well as the development of various types of livestock.
3. Industrial production.
Industrial production that is a learning process, assemble, repair, and reverse engineer a type of raw materials into semi-finished materials or semi-finished materials became so.
4. The production of trade.
Production of trade i.e. learning through trading business like berjual buy, do independent business, market analysis, calculation of laba-rugi and business development.
5. Production Services.
Production services namely conducting service learning in the form of services needed by the service users based on criteria agreed service, such as service driver, hairdressing and face, language translator, consultant, engineering faculty and carpentry.

Based on the areas of life skills meant to give to someone to afford knowledge, skills, and practical functional ability as well as a change in attitude to work and seek independent, open up employment and businesses as well as take advantage of opportunities which owned so as to improve the quality of kesejahteraannya. Life skills program designed to mentor, train, and membelajarkan citizens learn in order to have the provision in the face of the future by making use of the opportunities and challenges that exist.

Characteristics Of Learning Life Skills Education
There are several characteristics of the learning life skills education, according to theMinistry of national education (Mone) is as follows:

  1. learning needs identification process Occurs.
  2. Going the process of awakening to learn together.
  3. Going alignment of learning activities to develop themselves, learn to independent business and joint ventures.
  4. personal skills mastery process of Occured, Polytechnic, academic, social, managerial and entrepreneurship.
  5. the process of granting experience Occurred in doing the job correctly, to produce quality products.
  6. mutual interaction learning process Occurs from the experts.
  7. the competency assessment process Occurs.
  8. technical mentoring Happens to work or form a joint venture.


The Purpose Of Education Life Skills (Life Skills)
A. General Purpose
Life skills education organized by the non formal education aims to increase the skills, knowledge, and attitudes of citizens studying in the field of employment/businessin accordance with specific talents, interests, and physical development his soul as well as the potential of their environment, so they have to afford the ability to work or seek independent made provision for improving the quality of life.

B. Special Purpose
Provide life skills education services to the citizens learn that:

  1. have the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to enter the workforce either work independently (self-employment) and/or work in a production/service company with an increasingly viable income to meet the needs of his life.
  2. Have motivation and a high work ethic and can produce excellent works and be able to compete in the global market.
  3. Have a high awareness about the importance of education for themselves or their family members.
  4. Have an equal chance to obtain education throughout life (life long education) in order to realize justice in every walks of life.

Charitable activities that I do

Same thing as I did when giving Literacy Education and equality, in carrying out this Life skill education program I also went to the village head to be able to provide data on the citizens of the village are unemployed (not have a job).

After the data that I get then I will try to approach the Government to be able to allocate a budget for their learning process, when I managed to get the budget then I would supply their skills accordingly the potential is there in their place.

For example, there is one place that is producing a lot of Wicker, then I will be looking for expert teachers field processing of rattan and the teacher will teach them to process rattan so they can sell.

However, in running the program is not easy because it is not easy to get a budget for the cost of their learning, although I keep trying so that all the community have their skills to make money to be able to life is better than ever.

So my story about education for charity, all with stories that I can be an inspiration and motivation to the companions of steemians around the world

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