Distribution of water retention for the smooth process of irrigation development work -Water discharge becomes a big problem for casting concrete

In the field of channel or irrigation work, water becomes one of the major problems for the smooth running of the work process. Determining the water pressure is indispensable, given the importance to the strength of the concrete.


The most frequent rainy weather in Indonesia is at the end of the year, such as October, November and December. In that month, the work I face belongs to the water category, irrigation or channel work, my duties here oversee the work to be done as planned.

In the course of this work, we must determine the flow of water, so that on the job site run smoothly without a hoist. If the rain continues to flush the location of the work, we are difficult to deal with it, can only sort from the floodgates to other water gates.

In addition to the enormous irrigation water flow that can lead to inhibition of this work, this can cause flooding, because doors that withstand high flow of stream water are too few.

Image using Panorama effect.


As you can see in the picture below, we are determining the water pressure that flows and stops at each door. What must be done now is to determine the height and width of the irrigation channel, so we know the area of ​​irrigation that holds water at the point of the channel door.

The length of this irrigation channel is 2700 meters (2.7 KM), 3 points for the number of sluices. But the 3-point gate does not control the flow of water is so strong, due to water that is increasing by rain water, it becomes a big problem for concrete casting work. As I have said, the concrete casting must be really taken care of, the determination of water content is very influential on the strength of concrete.




Given the much-needed water for the benefit of the fields, such as rice and other crops, our plans to drain all irrigation channels are not implemented. Community needs can not be disturbed, because also it is very important for us.

We only have a small chance for this job, our hope is only on the 3 water gates. Our busy life is increasing, we have to control the water gate, one by one we open the floodgates in order to do the job of casting.


The most important work is on the foundation and floors, if the foundation and floors of the irrigation canal is completed, then the next work can be done as planned. This water barrier is in the foundation and floors work, the worker must finish the foundation, floors as soon as possible and also avoid the puddles.

But the plan was successful, the stagnant water can be drained by holding and opening the floodgates at the end of the job site.

  • Now the work location is divided into 3 parts, location A, B and C. The main purpose is location C, so that work on location C is running smoothly, the water gate at point B must be closed. However work on location C should be done quickly, given the increased water pressure at the sluice gates location B. Workers must also be responsible for this work, they must employ more labor than usual.

  • If location C is executed smoothly, subsequent work on location A and waterway location A must be completely closed. Work on location A also takes a fast time, and even has to be fast compared to C. Furthermore, location B, its work is also the same as location work A and C.

Location of irrigation channel work.


As in the picture "Location of irrigation channel work" looks water that has dried up and can be done concrete casting work or foundation. With the remaining water conditions, the time the casting takes place the water must be completely dry, the way of drying is by means of a water pump or called "kisdam". To keep the strength of concrete must really reach the target as planned.

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