The day that I lost my Wings


You can imagine what it feels to be levitating, wings of multicolored shapes always shiny. But now, chained to a human body of short data is the most suitable punishment for my flesh incarnate. The broken soul of both rough filings turned against me and kept my back wide open.


In ancient texts it was reported my heavenly fall. One by one my brothers were falling also in this atmospheric, inert, uncomfortable sea. Hoping that each life cycle will be shortened and not repeat the same pilgrimage through these lands so far away. Sublime memories that were erased almost to the point of not remembering if I wanted what was my first manifestation as winged entity.

The beasts shouted in unison a spectral moan when i reached this dimensional plane. Each and every one of them in their ignorance had no choice but to share the air and the vital energy with my first corporeal presence. Still, there was no way to understand their codes and to understand their bellows. Complaining that i could not indulge their mortal whims.


And now i repose, Inert, in an infinite sepulchral abyss, marking the hours for the eternal farewell. No apparent result of returning to retake my heavenly strength, trapped in this finite, uncomfortable, unnecessary abyss. I only have to pray for mercy that at some point in my existence, I will get out of these torments.


All photographs, texts and arts, created by
Nahu Padilla, in the month of Dicember - 2017

Special Thanks to: @in1997 for the translation from spanish to english :)

Original post in Spanish here:


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