Visionary Art - Playing with the EOS logo


"Coming back from the Blockchain Live event gave me the inspiration to play with the EOS logo."

I downloaded the shape from here :

This shape is inspiring new things for the future, also mystery as we still don't really know how the blockchain technology is going to impact our world, we just begin to see its implications.

Story of this shape

The Chestahedron is the first heptahedron of this configuration in the history of geometry. This sculpture has 7 surfaces (consisting of 4 triangles and 3 quadrilaterals), 7 points and 12 edges. If this heptahedron is rotated around the vertical axis, it forms a bell-like external surface of a certain profile: a cone at the top connected to a hyperbolic at the bottom. Other type heptahedra, or less-faced polyhedra do not provide a bell-type figure. For this reason it is supposed that the Chestahedron in rotation is the first geometrical bell shape form ever found and therefore it is the first time the mystery behind the geometry of the bell has been solved in the history of bell making. It has been found in years of research that this geometry is the basis of the left ventricle of the human heart. The midway point between the idea of the human heart and the manifestation of the human heart. Naming the Chestahedron came from the heart being the dominant organ in the chest."*

Source :

Location :

My Brain..

Specs :

  • Digital Composition
  • Mixed techniques
  • © Gilles Bonugli Kali

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