Equilibrium by @ellievallie With Images by @marillaanne for Binary Stars Collaborative Contest


by @ellievallie

Image by @marillaanne


As the sun rose and stretched his rays,
The fading moon fell in his gaze.
And soon he thought to wonder why,
With her he had to share his sky?
Hey moon, he called, his voice so bright,
How is it that you make your light?
Don't lie, we both know you can't shine,
That glow you claim is really mine.
Imagine all the people’s shock,
To see a cold and empty rock.
You can’t blame me for my disdain,
I have the whole world to sustain.
And you should know, were we to meet,
To face me is to seek defeat.
Tides of disaster are your fame,
And lunacy is in your name.
While my sign blazes victory,
No force can overpower me.
You hide away in such disgrace,
Yet through the night you take my place?


The moon was not without her plan,
Once he had finished, she began:
Your heat, you say, none can withstand,
But how can this nurture the land?
Your fire, strong, would scorch the seas,
Without my cooling ocean breeze.
You should see now, with all respect,
It is your words which I reflect.
And though you call me full of strife,
What can this be if not true life?
Just as man born starts to stand tall,
Then ends his days shrunken and small;
As flowers wilt and grow again,
I come from nothing, wax and wane.
Before you claim this as your place,
Know it is I who sets the pace.
Without my reign, the earth would weep,
Nothing can grow when it can’t sleep.
You give the light, this much is true,
I give the world a rest from you.

image by @marillaanne

image by @marillaanne


She stayed, not flinching from his glare,
As he stood proud and met her stare.
The earth looked up, and quite distressed,
Resolved that she would fix this mess.
She cried out to the war above,
How tragic that you’ve lost your love!
You can’t make peace, so separate,
Let solitude become your fate.
For both your pride, I'll split the sky,
Sun will go low while moon goes high.
Now half will shine and do their best,
While half will take this chance to rest.
But don't get caught up in your spot,
You’ve not yet heard all of my plot.
You'll meet again in half a year,
Then each will taste the other's sphere.
So back and forth you'll switch around,
In constant chase above the ground.
However long it takes, you'll see,
We need your blessings equally.

image by @marillaanne

Submitted for Round 1 of the Binary Stars Collaborative Contest run by the Minnows Accelerator Project!

Images by @marillaanne
Words by @ellievallie

Special thanks to:
All of the participants from the Minnows Accelerator Project who submitted such great works of art!
@rycharde for running this amazing project!
@eturnerx for providing the funding for the contest!

Please visit the MAP signup page if you would like to get involved!

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