The case of the suitcase full of money

A few have asked how I came to find a suitcase full of money and as I like to oblige when I can here is the story that leads up to me finding it...This first part is an esoteric conversation between two...


There are places I’ve been to you know that have been wild; where the wind was free, and the depths of the sky were impenetrable.

That must have been some kind of place.

Oh, it was, it really was. I think it was where I lost myself.

What happened then?

I went picking seashells on the seashore.

That must have been nice.

Yes, it’s a good memory.

I wish I had one of them.

How much would you pay for it?

Are you by any chance selling them?

That depends on what you really want.

I don’t know what I really want.

Maybe I could stretch that idea a little bit over a five years plan, and when you retire you’ll get all you deserve.

That sounds like what I’ve always wanted.


What else have you got to offer me?

Well, now that I come to think of it there’s one or two things I could let you in on for next to nothing.


Next to nothing, you say?

Yes, exactly that.

I’ll take two with mustard and all the trimmings.

You won’t regret it, not now, and not ever.

That’s a long time.

Undoubtedly it surely is.

But what if I become unhappy and want a refund?

We have a department for that to suit your needs.

And how would I get home afterwards?

You might have to walk if there’s no other way.

I am beginning to think I have to talk to someone else soon, or I may lose all understanding of what reason is.

So be it, but don’t you go thinking you can come back here tomorrow and expect the same as what is on offer now.

Maybe the hit source is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Oh, you are a devil, aren’t you?

Yes, I think I must be by now.

Put some music on will you?

Of course….


Much, much later, sometime before the dawn, I escaped through a window and ran and ran until I found myself fleeing, as if for my life; and that’s when my clothes caught on fire so that I had to beat out the flames with my bare fingers.

Which didn’t do much good; so I jumped into a river until all the flames were out, and found my nose full of water and coughing fit to bust.

About a week later, floating downstream and past a wood, I decided right there to haul myself out of the water and make camp in the wood, thinking it a good place to hide out for a while.

Well, you know, you find yourself becoming a little bit rustic after living in the woods for a while and wishing you had a suitcase full of money to take you away to some desert island to lie in the sun and never go back ever again.


The funny thing about the law of attraction is that it will give you what you are most attracted to.

In the bushes where I was lost I stumbled over an old beaten up suitcase half buried in the leaves.

So I opened it up and saw everything I had ever desired, staring back at me, and hungry looking, as if I could fulfil all the dreams desired there.

I took a step back to see if it would do anything else, but when nothing more was forthcoming I crept back and stared into it.

Owww, what a beauty I thought.

I’m ever present mostly, in my own little world, until someone comes to disturb me, which is usually by me letting them come too close with whatever they are into at any time. So I began thinking. There must be a way out of this recurring dream where I’m going around in circles all the time.


As I continued to stare into the suitcase full of money I began to form a plan… Suddenly, scooping up the suitcase into my arms, I ran for the nearest town and a whole new life.

The next part of this story will be out shortly...

Images from Pixabay

Link to last story: @wales/the-suitcase-full-of-money-is-heavy

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